
From comment to post:

“I suspect/believe that The New Yorker’s article on Stanley Kubrick, prior to his death, was a hit piece (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/06/14/a-kubrick-odyssey).

As Malcolm X Jr. (Malcolm Shabazz) said before he was thrown off a roof, ‘first they character assassinate you, then they assassinate you.’ The New Yorker article was followed by the medical assassination of Mr. Kubrick by a heart attack (hard to prove, but I would bet vast sums). I strongly suspect the author of the article knew that was coming. Purpose: why would people feel inclined to turn over stones and leaves in the death of an unsavory weirdo? The character assassination protects the assassins.

Finally, I consider Stanley Kubrick to be one of quite a few psychopathy awareness martyrs. “Eyes Wide Shut”, it doesn’t get clearer than that.”

https: //pathwhisperer.info/2018/01/23/trust-me-im-a-doctor-this-is-a-medical-treatment-psychopath-larry-nassar-md-molests-young-female-gymnasts-for-20-plus-years/#comment-139406 (take space out)

They haven’t fixed the electoral system. The computerzed machines are still connected to the net and thus hackable. Plus many lack an auditable paper trail (e.g., paper ballots fed through optical scanners). On paper ballots, they refuse to stop the ballot stuffing opportunities they initiated in 2020. There can be no trust in a nontransparent, unverifiable vote. To those who say, ‘Oh, but you can trust good honest human nature not to cheat’, I say ‘Shut up, stupid’.

Now, the deepstate, and their pet lying cockroaches in the news media (aka the control apparatus), will tell us who they claim won, once again.

“Alex Honnold doesn’t experience fear like the rest of us.”

[Pictures and text from nautil.us]

NO BIG DEAL: Technician James Purl and neuroscientist Jane E. Joseph put Honnold into an MRI tube to measure his brain’s fear levels. After looking at gruesome and arousing images inside, he commented, “I was like, whatever.”©2016 NGC Network International, LLC and NGC Network US, LLC

ABSENCE OF FEAR: Scans compare Honnold’s brain (left) with a control subject’s (right), a rock climber of a similar age. Crosshairs mark the amygdala, a group of nuclei involved in generating fear. As both climbers look at the same arousing images, the control subject’s amygdala glows, while Honnold’s remains inert, showing no activity whatsoever. Jane Joseph

More: https://web.musc.edu/about/news-center/2019/03/18/how-a-neuroscientist-and-professional-climber-learned-from-one-another. (MUSC is Jane Joseph, PhD’s home institution. Please test all presidential candidates (https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/06/09/to-swing-the-military-back-into-line-trump-should-immediately-order-that-all-active-generals-be-tested-for-psychopathy).)

I would be very interested in Alex’s opinion of the vaxx. Psychopaths know exactly what it is and wish to cripple/hack/enslave the rest of us. Not sure what his disorder is.

“We overcame the Most Sophisticated Forms of Manipulation”


“Richard Thaler is a brilliant behavioral economist, Nobel Prize winner, and a major contributor to the “Nudge Theory”, that provided impetus for the infamous UK “Nudge Unit”. His work on human decision making and cognitive biases was groundbreaking and, in part, helped governments worldwide to hypnotize most people into taking “Covid Vaccines”.

Richard Thaler, around 1999, also taught my favorite class “Decision Making”He was my favorite professor at the University of Chicago, where I was an MBA student. He taught us a lot about ways that exist to hijack our decision making and how our adversaries use our subconscious biases to make us make wrong decisions — as well as how we can use these manipulations to our own advantage in business.

What I learned in that class was helpful throughout my entire life, affected many investment and business decisions, helped me convert prospects to paying customers, avoid several stockmarket crashes, and much more. This same decision making class possibly saved my life, because it made me able to recognize and resist Covid vaccine propaganda and manipulation. Prof. Thaler ended up on the wrong side of history, supporting Covid vaccine propaganda and the nudge units, but his teachings made me able to recognize manipulation, and resist it.

Thinking about that made me appreciative of people who never took any such class, often had no formal education, and yet they made the right choice instinctively. These people, many of whom are my readers, are worthy of admiration, if for no other reason than remarkable independence of thinking and a clear mind in a very confusing, dangerous, and rapidly shifting situation.

My future posts will go through various psychological manipulation concepts and how they were applied, by shady actors and co-opted governments, and how they affected each of us.

The Asch Experiment

“All experts agree that the vaccine is safe and effective. ”

That was enough to get most people vaccinated. Except that anyone could ask two questions:

  • How can I know that all experts agree, if those disagreeing are not allowed to speak up?
  • How can anyone know that “Covid vaccine” is safe and effective, if no time actually passed to ensure that?

Finally, someone with just a bit of knowledge could also ask a question, “are you sure that it is safe and effective, if no coronavirus vaccine ever worked, and no mRNA product was ever approved”?

The Asch Experiment, conducted by Solomon Asch, found out that most people, when seeing a “consensus” of participants agreeing on something that is fairly obviously false, actually ends up agreeing with those false opinions just because everyone else seems to think so.

The experiment was originally set up with eight persons, only one of whom was an experimental subject, and the rest were actors. These stooges, who the subject thought were other subjects, were all asked the same question, to which they gave an obviously wrong answer. The subject, who did not know he was the only real subject, was to speak up last.

It turned out that subjects of this experiment (it was repeated multiple times), seeing a consensus of seven smartly dressed men, would end up giving the same (obviously incorrect) answer as the stooges. This conformance experiment literally was a clever way to make people hold and express obviously false opinions.

This experiment was repeated many times, and in the most skillfully conducted experiments, they got 62.5% of subjects to agree with obvious nonsense at least once.

Oddly enough, vaccination rate in the US on Sep 1, right before federal vaccine mandates started, was 62.3%. Vaccination was running out of steam, just as Delta was showing that vaccines were not really “effective”.

It is at this time, on September 2, Richard Thaler concluded that “a nudge is not enough”.

Seeing a slowdown and a dip in confidence, vaccinators realized that they need to do more than mere manipulation with fake “expert opinion”. Vaccine mandates and hate propaganda supplanted “nudges” to drive vaccination forward. That will be discussed in other posts.

We literally lived through a worldwide Asch experiment. Every newspaper, TV station, every YouTube recommended video, kept telling us how the vaccine was “safe and effective” and how “all experts agree”. We were constantly force fed these “expert opinions” nonstop.

Enormous efforts were spent to silence “misinformation”. Why? Because Solomon Asch found out that any expression of disagreement — lack of consensus — immediately kills compliance:

Regarding mRNA “Covid vaccines”: anyonve who would think for a minute, would realize that there was not a way to know for sure that vaccines were safe and effective, simply because not enough time has passed. Similarly, anyone could see that the masterminds behind the lockdowns and vaccinations, the billionaires behind the scenes, and the corrupt governments, all ensured that any dissent would be silenced. Thus, the purported consensus did not, in fact, exist at all.

The minority of people saw through that, decided accordingly, and refused vaccination. Who was that? You, my readers. What made you decide this? I am sure that there were just as many reasons as people here. The main factor is that you all took a few minutes to think about it critically. You were independently minded and decided to think for yourselves.

  • Was it your general distrust of the government?
  • Was is your deep knowledge of virology and molecular biology?
  • Was it your experience with wheeling and dealing, exposure to scams and knowing how con men operate?
  • Was it your ability to think independently without needing people to agree with you?

Even those who took the shots, and saw the light later, are critical thinkers. What is important is seeing the light — not necessarily the timing of when you saw the light.

To those who survived The Global Asch Experiment, congratulations. Please share what made you hold out, below — Why did you NOT get the shot?

P.S. Richard Thaler, a brilliant professor, author, and theoretician in the cognitive bias field, is not an evil mastermind of vaccination. He was merely one of many players, minutely related to me, and the author of concepts that played out in the pandemic. I do NOT want to create a wrong impression of my favorite college professor being someone like “Dr Evil of Covid-19”. He was not Dr Evil. But his theories are incredibly important to the story. [END QUOTE, https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-skeptics-are-the-true-critical]. [PW: he’s not Dr. Evil? How about Richard Thaler being a Smiley, his chosen mask of sanity to hide his psychopathy, yes/no?]


This is our job, to be true partners, true witnesses:

Stockton Rush

No psychopatic eyes, but excessive self love, arrogance, childish reasoning, total lack of self doubt, magical thinking patterns, no comprehension of scientific cause and effect?

“You know, at some point, safety just is a pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don’t get out of bed,” he said. “At some point, you’re going to take some risk, and it really is a risk/reward question. I think I can do this just as safely by breaking the rules.”


Psychopaths never express any self doubt. Absolutely self confident.

From https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/wake-up-kids-anti-virus-guy-died


AUG 15, 2022

World’s most connected former billionaire warned about the coming vax population cull. He was found dead shortly after.

You’ve probably had his anti-virus protection software on your computer.

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John David McAfee was a British-American computer programmer, businessman, and two-time presidential candidate who sought the Libertarian Party nomination for president of the United States in 2016 and 2020.

His twitter account still has over a million followers and he described himself as “Iconoclast. Lover of women, adventure and mystery. Founder of McAfee Anti-virus”

ON FEBRUARY 5th, 2020 before lockdowns, before most of us were even paying attention to Covid, he sent this warning tweet:

Stuck in a Spanish prison over US tax-evasion allegations, John warned repeatedly that he was getting subtle messages from US authorities that they were going to have him “wacked”.

He even got a tattoo saying “whacked” while incarcerated, and it became a meme along with “#mcafeedidntkillhimself”as John continued to speak out agains the deep state and the Plandemic via twitter.

Shortly before he was found asphyxiated in his cell (camera’s broken, guards asleep… a la Epstein) he tweeted this:

The Spanish government immediately ruled his death as suicide, and said the motivation was that he was about to be extradited to the US.

His widow, Janice, immediately contested that claim.

The Spanish government has kept his body from being released for almost an entire year now. Zero Hedge covered this last month. Zero Hedge on John McAfee

His wife is still fighting for access to his remains, and an independent autopsy.

John was a computer and data guru, and I’m guessing there’s still a data bomb set to got off with some pretty wild revelations.

We didn’t listen to him then, but his message is still very much alive:


thedarkbanshee says:

1/4/2006 at 3:07 am

I think this hole thing about Pathological liars is a great study. However I beleave it also should have a name replacment from my personal opinion. I beleave it should be called Pathological thinking because as far as I’m conserned it is how Pathological liars process information not just lying. I personaly beleave I’m a Pathological liar my self. I do admit to lying consitterablly a lot and aparantly I can not tell when I’m lying in general but if things are truly important to me I will not keep a lie on going I will corect it. also to me it seems there is a hole lot more involved then lying. I totaly agree with the hole thing about the emotions. All my life I have been practuly emotionless even though I do have emotions. However I have lost a job for be far to emotionless. I was told I do not blink my eyes enough, I staired and acted as if i were a robot. Its normal my own family has problems with me being this way. to counteract people problems with me I lye to them constantly and I do not have inconsistancys between my lies. I’m exelent at the lies I creat and they come naturaly. So naturaly I have to corect my self when it comes to me truly wanting to tell the truth. I keep true to them all the way up to the point of telling the truth. People generaly point out I think to far into things or I analize things to far. I would like to see this study go futher and I would desire it to be looked futher into then just lying.


I went to dvorak.org seeking understanding of Adam Schiff and George Santos, and found this comment. Long before I knew anything about psychopaths, I remember running into hollow eyed staring individuals. In gym class, in the wrestling segments and other activities requiring two people, for example, etc.

From Leo Hohmann, https://leohohmann.com/2022/08/15/yuval-noah-harari-spills-the-beans-we-just-dont-need-the-vast-majority-of-the-population/

Technology will ‘make it possible to replace the people’

“Top World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari has declared in a recent interview that the “vast majority” of the world’s 7.5 billion people are simply no longer needed due to technological advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioengineering.

“In one sentence, Harari validated what we “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for years, that globalist power elites want to rid the world of people deemed “useless” in their eyes. That’s why we call them global predators.

““We just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” said Harari, who is a historian, futurist, popular author and, most importantly, the chief adviser to Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the extremely influential WEF.

“The WEF entertains thousands of devoted followers at its annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland. These devotees include heads of state, congressmen, governors, top corporate CEOs, even Hollywood entertainers and stars from the sports and music world. They are being fed a full diet of propaganda cooked up by Luciferian-influenced intellectuals like Harari and Schwab.

“I highly recommend listening to Harari’s interview with Chris Anderson (posted August 9), who is head of the TED media group. Let me know in the comments what you think of his statements and his worldview.

“Harari repeats his previous predictions of a “useless class” of “unemployable” humans. In past statements Harari has said these useless people will need to be kept pacified by drugs and entertainment, otherwise we’ve got a problem on our hands. How do we get rid of billions of useless eaters, or at least contain their anger and resentment at being cast to the societal curb?

“Harari says the 20th century was marked by three big “stories” that human beings told themselves in order to explain the world: Fascism, Communism and Liberalism.

“All three of these movements placed an emphasis on the “common man” in their propaganda messaging to the people, as opposed to earlier periods in history when kings and queens ruled by divine right and noblemen held ownership of the land, using the rest of the people as serfs.

“Now, in the 21st century, people “are no longer part of the story of the future,” Harari says. They simply have no role. Humanity 1.0 is being phased out, and only those humans willing to make the TRANSition to Humanity 2.0 and join the all-new species of transhumans, will be welcomed in the emerging technocratic society.

““It’s much worse, psychologically, to feel you are useless than to feel you are exploited,” Harari says in the above interview.

“That’s why Schwab said at the WEF annual meeting in May, 2022, that “we must prepare for an angrier world.”

“They are getting ready to phase out humanity 1.0 and they fully anticipate there will be riots, rising violence and chaos as many people wake up and realize they’re no longer needed, not by their employer, not by the military, not by anyone other than their family which they still must provide for.

“It’s true that having no purpose in life is the ultimate downer.

“But, as always, Harari is telling a half-truth while withholding the ultimate truth.

“Regardless of where technology is leading the world, a believer in Jesus Christ always feels they have a purpose because they don’t derive their meaning in life from their jobs, their reputations or their acceptance by any person or group. We strive to please God and Him alone.

“We get our meaning from the fact that we are made in God’s image, born with a free will to decide whether we will follow Him or follow the rest of the sheep who are following vain leaders, blind guides like Harari and Schwab, mere mortals who think they are smarter than everyone else when in fact they are pitiful human beings devoid of the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit. They are vacant souls, uttering silly human “hypotheses,” because they have no rudder to keep them on the path that leads to life, eternal life. All Harari can offer is hopelessness. Oh but he sounds so smart in delivering his dismal message.

“While the three movements he speaks of – fascism, communism and liberalism – did indeed dominate the political and cultural landscape from the period roughly between 1800 and 2000, there is a fourth story, an eternal story with no beginning and no end, that trumps all of them. That story is the biblical story of an Almighty Creator God and His Christ, who created mankind in His image and gave them a set of rules to live by. He raises up and brings down all human kingdoms, whether they be based on royal lineage, fascism, communism, the current “liberal world order” or the emerging technocratic beast system that is overtaking the nations.

“The book of Daniel explains in detail how a series of earthly kingdoms will rise and fall, with only one left standing in the end, that being the Kingdom of God and of His Christ.

“Harari, being an atheist, overlooks the biggest “story” of all. He’s so caught up in the story of humanity, so self-absorbed, that he can’t see the overarching story of God in his explanation of where we’ve come from as human beings and where we are heading as things spiral further and further off the rails. Technology is not going to be our savior. Artificial intelligence cannot save us. In fact many who give themselves over to the AI-controlled beast system will lose their souls.

“Harari can say that humans have been replaced by AI, machine learning, blockchain and bioengineering, and it’s true that these technologies are now driving the economies of the world as technocracy and globalism leads to a global end-times dystopian slave-state.

“But technocracy is heading for the same fate as the other “stories” Harari mentions. And, I would posit, the technocratic beast system won’t even last as long as communism or liberalism before it’s relegated to the dust bin of history.

“Harari hypothesizes that anxiety about being displaced by AI and a highly educated “tech” class is at the root of the world’s “disillusionment and backlash against the liberal order.”

““Part of what might be going [on] is people realize — and they’re correct in thinking that, ‘The future doesn’t need me. … Maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way, like universal basic income.’

““Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Harari continued, “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence and bioengineering.”

“Harari added that “these technologies increasingly will make redundant” …“whatever people are still doing which is useful,” and will thus “make it possible to replace the people.”

“While he conceded that technologies such as AI will open up new and “more interesting jobs,” Harari argued that “it’s not clear that many humans will be able to do them, because they will require high skills and a lot of education.”

“This is where modern technocracy starts to resemble the old gnostic paganism where a certain elitist class of people have access to secret knowledge that the common folks just aren’t able to tap into.

“It’s all just hopeless if you listen to Harari.

“Harari is full of clever lies and half-truths. He is book smart but lacks the kind of true wisdom and discernment that comes from above. Thus, he can’t see that he is on a path to destruction. Or maybe he does see it but wants to believe that it’s only the common folk who will be destroyed.

“Either way, he’s as lost as lost can be, and seems determined to take with him as many fellow humans as possible down the dark path to destruction.”


We are lucky this vile supremacist monster is so honest. Thank you, Yuval.

Quoting Leo Hohmann above:

“We get our meaning from the fact that we are made in God’s image, born with a free will to decide whether we will follow Him or follow the rest of the sheep who are following vain leaders, blind guides like Harari and Schwab, mere mortals who think they are smarter than everyone else when in fact they are pitiful human beings devoid of the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit. They are vacant souls . . .”

Psychopaths (which may or may not include Shwab or Harari, but certainly does their Golem helpers) are not made in God’s image and do not possess true free will.

I believe there are monsters born in the world to human parents…. The face and body may be perfect, but if a twisted gene or a malformed egg can produce physical monsters, may not the same process produce a malformed soul? John Steinbeck, East of Eden

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari Credit: Daniel Naber – Wikipedia: Yuval_Noah_Harari.jpg, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=71405651

Humans are now “hackable animals” according to an advisor of Klaus Schwab, who issued the chilling warning that humans no longer possess “free will” and are set to be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates.

[Israeli] Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, an official WEF contributor, was recorded delivering a speech in which he explains what Klaus Schwab means when he says “it’s you who are changed.”

According to Dr. Harari, Schwab is referring to humanity and the sudden evolution that the elites have in store for the rest olf us. “In the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to [hack millions of people], but nobody understood biology well enough,” Harari says at the start of the video.

“And nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people,” he goes on to say, before dropping a chilling threat:

We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls. We are now hackable animals.”

But Dr. Harari says this merger of human life with technology will not benefit the average man or woman so that he or she may improve his or her own future, but that a handful of “elites” will not only “build digital dictatorships” for themselves but “gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”

If elites are successful in re-engineering humanity, it will have to be decided whether the data of our DNA, brain, body, and life “belong[s] to me, or to some corporation, or to the government, or, perhaps, to the human collective.”

Of course, Bill Gates is involved.

Harari says that cloud technology, such as IBM or Gates’s Microsoft platform, will be one of the “driving forces” of this evolution.

Humans are now hackable animals,” says Dr. Harari at another point in the video. “The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that’s over.”

“Free will, that’s over,” he emphasizes.

Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale,” Harari goes on to say, adding, “Everything is being digitalized. Everything is being monitored.”

“In this time of crisis, you have to follow science,” Dr. Harari argues. “It’s often said that you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste, because a [COVID] crisis is an opportunity to also do good reforms that in normal times people will never agree to. But in a crisis you see we have no chance, so let’s do it.”

Here’s a newsflash for Klaus Schwab and Dr. Harari and the entire WEF:  We are onto you. If you think we “non-elites” will lay down and let us this happen, you are very much mistaken.

[JGH:]  While they are not specifying how they can hack humans, is is most likely through the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines”. So if you took it, you’re screwed!  [PW:  this can’t be true or the evil doers wouldn’t care so much about the reinjections.]  As for the fact that they are calling humans, “animals”, there is nothing new here under the Sun.   [. . . .]  “We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls.”



What do you think the vaxx with its mystery ingredients is?

From my https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/02/06/onward-christian-soldiers/:
I believe the vaxx is the greatest evil ever loosed upon the world. The aim is world domination by the globalist elite (with an accent on the Talmudist supremacist faction plus their psychopathic Golem helpers, such as Fauci). See Event 201, the October 2019 corona virus wargames sponsored by Bloomberg Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

However the path to the Great Reset NWO dictatorship would entail the destruction of Christendom. Good luck with that.

It’s worth noting that the pic above is from a WEF site.  My response to his statement would be, ‘Sure, that makes sense, particularly if it’s your plandemic.’  These idiots have forgotten that while they may have a right to lie, they have no right to be believed.

The Psychopath Nation is one of the major pillars of the WEF globalists and major pushers of the notavaccine, imo. 

Leana Wen has a number of P flags:  arrogance; lying ability, imo; one chosen expression (for Ps this is called their chosen mask of sanity) – that insipid constant smile; and her eyes are ‘too wide’.  Ps must recognize each other since their biological survival as a subtype depends on the green beard trait (i.e., Ps favor other Ps over their own non-P relatives). 

I’m trying to get AI face recog researchers interested in teaching AI to also recognize them. I of course say I can recognize many Ps but I’m not sure most readers believe I actually can, plus others with that claimed ability are not coming forward.