
Posts Tagged ‘psychopaths’

From Psychopaths and Love, http://psychopathsandlove.com/a-hidden-fact-of-psychopaths-they-have-no-gender/

“Do psychopaths have a gender?

After my involvement with the psychopath, I got the strange feeling that he didn’t really have a gender. When I learned that psychopaths have no identity — they only create one as needed — it started to make perfect sense. If they have no identity, it only seems logical that they wouldn’t have a gender identity either, doesn’t it? It didn’t seem to be an idea out of left field.

The psychopath in my life told me about many of his sexual exploits that supposedly happened ‘a long time ago,’ and he said that he’d had sex with men as well as women. I asked him if he was bisexual, and he said he was not. He said it would be hard to explain. It turns out he was right about that.

This idea of him being genderless persisted and seemed worthy of further inquiry. I went looking for scholarly works that might validate my theory. In my quest, I plumbed the depths of the web for things like ‘psychopaths and gender,’ but I came up empty handed.

Psychopaths definitely have a biological sex, according to their anatomy. But gender is psychological; it’s the social-sexual role a person self-identifies with. But the one kind of person who will surely not identify in a fixed way with anything about themselves is the psychopath. So why would they identify with a gender?

I suspected that they present themselves to the world as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual, but underneath the facade they’ve chosen, they are truly genderless. So I set out once again to validate my suspicions, and this time, I found it. I only needed to look in a different place. Just as we talk and share information online, so do psychopaths. What better place to possibly find an answer than on their own websites?


In their own words, psychopaths say the following about their gender:

“Personally, I am gender fluid and identify neutral.”

“I don’t see gender as being anything more than a biological difference. Much like the idea of morality, it is a social construct. What that means for me is the necessity to choose which side of the fence puts my talents to light to the best advantage…”

“Any research you found (on psychopaths and gender) would be skewed by the fact that the most oft interviewed psychopaths are criminals, and since society generally associates femininity with weakness, the intelligent male psychopath would naturally choose to portray a manly if not completely chauvinistic personality. The only honest psychopath is an anonymous psychopath…”

“Psychopaths of both genders tends to represent the gender they were born with because it is easier, and most people respond to that, rather than the sexuality of minorities.”

“I don’t think that psychopaths struggle with their sexual identity at all. On the contrary, they seem to find it easy to play on both the feminine and the masculine sides in themselves.”

“I’m trying to find something about it (gender and psychopaths) from research sources but there doesn’t seem to be much to find so far. Maybe I’ve just been looking the wrong places, otherwise it would seem that we’re on a wild goose chase.”

“I haven’t talked to anyone who falls under the psychopath spectrum that feels very feminine or masculine, when questioned. Most of the women seem very aggressive, and the males “sound” roughly the same, in how the present themselves…It just seems suspect to me that most of us don’t feel very attached to one end or the other on the gender spectrum.”

“Like others I’ve read about, I never took that diagnosis seriously… But so much has become clear to me, which before used to be a great mystery…One of those things is our tendency to not have an inherent sense of gender!”

“It’s completely unimportant. Sexuality wise, I could go either way. I chose to portray myself in my real life as a homosexual for various reasons. I think what makes it impossible to delineate between how psychopaths view gender is our habit of being perpetually dishonest and chameleon-like. Were I a missionary I’d be the image of demure femininity and were I in prison I would be as masculine as any testosterone-stuffed man.”

“I have noticed that once we shed what has been called our ‘Mask’, the gender differences become less obvious.”

“I’ve never felt attached to a gender role before. I consider my personality and attraction fairly androgynous.””

And there we have it.  It seems to me that the gender agenda is the psychopath agenda — there simply aren’t enough true transgenders (who deserve everyone’s respect — the one trans I know personally, is much happier as his new self, and, as far as I know, arrived there simply through a search for happiness and a home for his soul) for this movement.  I would call it the ‘psychopathiforming’ of society (following science and science fiction’s ‘terraforming’ of other planets, i.e., making them more earthlike).  Earlier the song, “Love the One You’re With”, was also a psychopathiforming of society.  In any discussion of that song, one usually finds at least one psychopathic voice rhapsodizing what a beautiful sentiment it expresses — sure, think how many more sex partners they could find, down the road.

Here again, the purpose is to gain access to more sex partners, of all sexes and ages.  Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do, understand their modus operandi.  The ability to access women’s/girl’s dressing rooms without undergoing the ‘big surge’ (the de-manning procedure) — how convenient for male psychopaths.  I don’t know what to say to naive perma-children who think everyone is sincere and wonderful.

Psychopaths are generally considered to have poor planning and predictive skills — that’s only the low level ones.  SAPs (socially adept psychopaths) can be phenomenal at it.  Setting up ‘dominoes’ (desired future events from their standpoint) and then having them fall in sequence as planned — incredible.  The psychopathiforming of aspects or society are such dominoes.

On a different but related topic, it has seemed to me for years that high level female executives and politicians are psychopathic at a much, much higher percentage than the general female population is.  It would seem that the lack of gender would feed into this.  Feminists tend to give them a freepass and even admire them.  Non-feminist women tend to judge them on their actual record and what they know of their public behavior, i.e. intelligently.  I consider this situation shameful.

This is a subject very close to my heart, so let me make one thing very clear to the perv psychos, Chris Cuomo (CNN), Pat Kiernan (Spectrum NY1), Bob Gates (destroyer of and mind rapist of the Boy Scouts), etc., no way will you ever be allowed to neuter our boys.  There are standards of the community, you are way past them.

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Late the other night my dog pulled me down the outside stairs headed for it’s usual gap between the parked cars towards its favorite peeing place. But she couldn’t wait and pee’d on the sidewalk. So I walked a couple car lengths further before crossing the street. Looking back up the street I see a figure rise and approach towards me from where I would have been. His right hand held an atomizer, store bought, at his shoulder. He would have needed to have been within two feet of me. The three of us stopped and stared at each other. Then, strangely enough, he sprayed his own face and head.  Perhaps in attempt to switch the narrative.  Of course, the death cult always has an antidote or makes its poisons individual specific.  He then left up the street.

Not what I call a pro, I’d always considered him a checker upper (after efforts by principals).  He must have gotten frustrated.  I knew he was a hot head.  One or two times I’d be standing in cashier lines, look up and see he also was in line, within a foot of me.  Another time, I stand aside so he could pass me, and he spits on the ground as he passes by.  The strangest occurrence before this (in 2017 or 2018) was a time I was walking my dog about an eighth of a block behind him.  He calmly and openly removed some kind of inflated plastic cylinder and tore off the seal.  Without removing, eating, drinking any contents he drops the seemingly emptying cylinder in my path.  So I turn on a dime, too anomalous for me.

Much earlier an Israeli woman had gotten her hand, still in a purse, within 6 inches of the back of one of my ears. But the team included a set up man, whose action I recognized in time to spin around.  (https://pathwhisperer.info/2018/05/07/annoying-neighborhood-psychopaths-and-anomalous-occurrences/)

It took me a while, but I came to realize that the subject of my writings, psychopaths, were essentially the Talmudists’ Golem pets.  They wanted to protect them.  Actually, they need to, psychopaths are essential participants in the Talmudist liars culture/death cult.

Plus, now I realize covid and the vax (both deliver the spike protein bioweapon) are their mutual attempt at world domination (perhaps integrated with WEF, perhaps not).  This isn’t unheard of.  The Japanese thought they were the superior humans.  Humiliated by Commodore Perry sailing into their ports, they spent a hundred years building up their technology and then launched their war of world conquest.  After three thousand years the Talmudists (per Yuval Harari, in between the lines) now have the medical technology.  (I don’t believe the average Jew/Israeli has any idea of the depth of deep state/deep Talmudist evil.)  What’s three thousand years, evil never sleeps.  (See my later post, https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/09/13/klaus-schwabs-wef-humans-are-now-hackable-animals-that-will-be-re-engineered/, mostly a quote from Y. Harari).

Update:  For only the second time ever, the same person showed up on my block around 11:30 pm, Fri., July 1, 2022.  I paralleled him in the middle of the road, he was on the sidewalk, on the other side of the parked cars.  After the second to last car or so he appeared holding the atomizer.  But he repocketed it behind the next car, apparently choosing not to attack.  He turned off the block and I ceased accompanying him.  We never exchanged a word in either encounter.

I have never spoken to anyone who seemed to be physically threatening me.  Neither do I get angry, I get calm, focused, and go into problem solving mode.  But I’ve taken to wearing a visible camera as a please-back-off to dissuade encounters.  It seems to be working (Feb. 2024).

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like all psychopaths. I once counted some ten or so psychopaths in his admin. In groups they are even more wrongheaded, which is what one would expect of an echo chamber containing only demented third graders. I don’t know if anybody believes me on anything, but believe me arrested development is real and is personality wide.

The exit from Afghanistan, what an unmitigated disaster.  Keeping Bagram open would have allowed a secure base of operations/exit.  They learned nothing from Vietnam.

Negotiation only works if there is an ‘or else’. Too complicated for Ol’ Joe.

Normal human eyes, psychopathic eyes

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I never threaten anyone, am nonviolent, and never break the law (that I know of), but I do believe in expressing myself.

I am very unhappy at seeing you accompanying that teenage young lady around the neighborhood.   I see three possibilities, one that you are offering sincere friendship and guidance as she steps out in the wider world — except that I don’t think this is in your repertoire, two, that you are grooming her for herself, or three, that you are grooming her for the local NYPD rapetilian/lizard loverboy hominoids that I believe you are acquainted with.

I do not want to see her someday ‘batting her eyes’ at me while constantly checking with her NYPD lover/coach on the sidelines.  This has happened to me twice, openly, and by inference, one other time.

She doesn’t deserve whatever you are offering her.  But then you and the NYPD rapetilians are psychopaths and other human beings are simply pawns in that world.

We can stop pretending to be friends.  If we cross paths, I will not be acknowledging your presence, kindly do the same.

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“Do psychopaths have a gender?

After my involvement with the psychopath, I got the strange feeling that he didn’t really have a gender. When I learned that psychopaths have no identity — they only create one as needed — it started to make perfect sense. If they have no identity, it only seems logical that they wouldn’t have a gender identity either, doesn’t it? It didn’t seem to be an idea out of left field.

The psychopath in my life told me about many of his sexual exploits that supposedly happened ‘a long time ago,’ and he said that he’d had sex with men as well as women. I asked him if he was bisexual, and he said he was not. He said it would be hard to explain. It turns out he was right about that.

This idea of him being genderless persisted and seemed worthy of further inquiry. I went looking for scholarly works that might validate my theory. In my quest, I plumbed the depths of the web for things like ‘psychopaths and gender,’ but I came up empty handed.

Psychopaths definitely have a biological sex, according to their anatomy. But gender is psychological; it’s the social-sexual role a person self-identifies with. But the one kind of person who will surely not identify in a fixed way with anything about themselves is the psychopath. So why would they identify with a gender?

I suspected that they present themselves to the world as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual, but underneath the facade they’ve chosen, they are truly genderless. So I set out once again to validate my suspicions, and this time, I found it. I only needed to look in a different place. Just as we talk and share information online, so do psychopaths. What better place to possibly find an answer than on their own websites?


In their own words, psychopaths say the following about their gender:

“Personally, I am gender fluid and identify neutral.”

“I don’t see gender as being anything more than a biological difference. Much like the idea of morality, it is a social construct. What that means for me is the necessity to choose which side of the fence puts my talents to light to the best advantage…”

“Any research you found (on psychopaths and gender) would be skewed by the fact that the most oft interviewed psychopaths are criminals, and since society generally associates femininity with weakness, the intelligent male psychopath would naturally choose to portray a manly if not completely chauvinistic personality. The only honest psychopath is an anonymous psychopath…”

“Psychopaths of both genders tends to represent the gender they were born with because it is easier, and most people respond to that, rather than the sexuality of minorities.”

“I don’t think that psychopaths struggle with their sexual identity at all. On the contrary, they seem to find it easy to play on both the feminine and the masculine sides in themselves.”

“I’m trying to find something about it (gender and psychopaths) from research sources but there doesn’t seem to be much to find so far. Maybe I’ve just been looking the wrong places, otherwise it would seem that we’re on a wild goose chase.”

“I haven’t talked to anyone who falls under the psychopath spectrum that feels very feminine or masculine, when questioned. Most of the women seem very aggressive, and the males “sound” roughly the same, in how the present themselves…It just seems suspect to me that most of us don’t feel very attached to one end or the other on the gender spectrum.”

“Like others I’ve read about, I never took that diagnosis seriously… But so much has become clear to me, which before used to be a great mystery…One of those things is our tendency to not have an inherent sense of gender!”

“It’s completely unimportant. Sexuality wise, I could go either way. I chose to portray myself in my real life as a homosexual for various reasons. I think what makes it impossible to delineate between how psychopaths view gender is our habit of being perpetually dishonest and chameleon-like. Were I a missionary I’d be the image of demure femininity and were I in prison I would be as masculine as any testosterone-stuffed man.”

“I have noticed that once we shed what has been called our ‘Mask’, the gender differences become less obvious.”

“I’ve never felt attached to a gender role before. I consider my personality and attraction fairly androgynous.””

And there we have it.  It seems to me that the gender agenda is the psychopath agenda — there simply aren’t enough true transgenders (who deserve everyone’s respect) for this movement.  I would call it the ‘psychopathiforming’ of society (following science and science fiction’s ‘terraforming’ of other planets, i.e., making them more earthlike).  Earlier the song, “Love the One You’re With”, was also a psychopathiforming of society.  In any discussion of that song, one usually finds at least one psychopathic voice rhapsodizing what a beautiful sentiment it expresses — sure, think how many more sex partners they could find, down the road.

Here again, the purpose is to gain access to more sex partners, of all sexes and ages.  Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do, understand their modus operandi.  The ability to access women’s/girl’s dressing rooms without undergoing the ‘big surge’ (the de-manning procedure) — how convenient for male psychopaths.  I don’t know what to say to naive perma-children who think everyone is sincere and wonderful.

Psychopaths are generally considered to have poor planning and predictive skills — that’s only the low level ones.  SAPs (socially adept psychopaths) can be phenomenal at it.  Setting up ‘dominoes’ (desired future events from their standpoint) and then having them fall in sequence as planned — incredible.  The psychopathiforming of aspects or society are such dominoes.

On a different but related topic, it has seemed to me for years that high level female executives and politicians are psychopathic at a much, much higher percentage than the general female population is.  It would seem that the lack of gender would feed into this.  Feminists tend to give them a freepass and even admire them.  Non-feminist women tend to judge them on their actual record and what they know of their public behavior.  I consider this situation shameful.

This is a subject very close to my heart, so let me make one thing very clear – to the perv psychos, Chris Cuomo (CNN), Pat Kiernan (Spectrum NY1), Bob Gates (destroyer of and mind rapist of the Boy Scouts), etc., no way will you ever be allowed to neuter our boys.  There’s something called standards of the community, you are way past them.

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“A lot has been written about psychopaths, some insightful, some neutral and some hilarious. Of the hilarious ones, nothing is more arresting than what is said about our eyes. One blog called Psychopaths and Love says, “Many of us have seen firsthand or read descriptions of psychopaths having an intense gaze, a predatory or reptilian stare, or eyes that are lifeless, dead, emotionless, cold, icy, flat, black, or empty.” Why do our eyes look this way? The article continues, “Dr. Reid Meloy’s Reptilian State Theory hypothesizes that psychopaths are more like reptiles than mammals.” So now we’re not mammals. We’re reptiles? The author quotes Dr. Robert Hare as saying, “Many people find it difficult to deal with intense, emotionless, or ‘predatory’ stare of the psychopath. Normal people maintain close eye contact with others for a variety of reasons, but the fixated stare of the psychopath is more prelude to self-gratification and the exercise of power than simple interest or empathetic caring.”

patti4“Now that we’ve gotten beyond the over-the-top rhetoric expelling us from the human race and even from the category of “mammal,” we can get some more explicit description of what bothers some people about our “stare.” (Some people aren’t even satisfied with relegating us to membership in another species, even another phylum. To them our stare reveals evil, itself. Lucky Otter says, “there’s nothing inside them except an vast and endless black void of nothingness….Behind the twinkle, the eyes are still reptilian and dead.”) It is “fixated,” “intense,” “emotionless” and “predatory.” The picture shown here indicates to me, “I know what’s really happening.” It reminds me of moments I have had the same godlike, omniscient awareness of being the only one in the room who was awake. A fixated and intense “stare” can simply be a sign that the psychopath is really interested in what s/he is looking at. As I discussed in my blog post about charm, psychopaths are often intensely interested. We recognize some people as deeply mysterious and we love to solve mysteries. Many people think psychopaths are serial killers. But, once disabused of this incorrect stereotype, the “predatory” characterization begs the question of what we are looking for in our “prey.” Most of us are not looking for a victim to be murdered. Many psychopaths are merely looking for someone to have a sexual relationship. In this respect, psychopaths are not very different from ordinary men. Every girl or woman who has dates can attest to the fact that most men want a conquest, that is, to have sex with the woman they are dating. Nobody seems to find this sinister when it is a goal of a “regular” or NT male. When a psychopath does it, it’s “predatory.” The fact that most relationships with psychopaths are short-lived, most “hook-ups” today are, in fact, short lived. 670px-Identify-a-Psychopath-Step-9The sooner a couple get horizontal, the more quickly they tend to tire of one another and move on. Again, this is as true of the “non” as it is with the “path.” I must confess bewilderment with the way a psychopath on the make is considered more “predatory” than the NT man on the make. Perhaps the answer is in the adjective in Hare’s statement I haven’t discussed, “emotionless.” Psychopaths are known to be less emotional (and more rational) then the rest of the population. Is the sexual come-on of the “emotionless” psychopath really more “self-gratifying” than the that of the more emotional Don Juans in our midst?

“So far, I have only talked about one possible interest a psychopath may have in hir “prey.” But we can have other interests. Someone may be interesting, have information to share, money or even connections to other people. These are all things anyone can desire and try to get from another.

jayeyes“The article goes on, “In my own experience, the psychopath I knew had lambent eyes — brilliantly playful, softly bright, luminous. They twinkled with warmth when he smiled, or so I thought. It was actually the twinkle of amusement as he manipulated me. A few times I saw the light go out in his eyes, and in those moments they became flat and dead.” This brings us to another quality we are reputed to have. We are alleged to have a void within ourselves. Blogger Lucky Otter wrote, “sometimes they can be caught when their mask is momentarily down (usually when they’ve been called out–or caught), and it’s here when we see the emptiness and evil inside them.” Evil? Not merely reptilian? She goes on to say, “It’s not so much a demonic look (which has a sort of life to it) as a dead, lifeless look that is far worse. It’s a malignant look that makes you want to get away from them fast. Like there’s nothing inside them except an vast and endless black void of nothingness. It’s like standing at the precipice of a black hole, and what can be more terrifying than some nameless void that can suck you into itself–and can even swallow light?” WOW! I’m actually impressed! I have a black hole inside me? Good grief!

“A new explanation (new to me anyway) for the “psychopathic stare” has been articulated in the article, Subtle Signs of Psychopathy, “Psychopaths look people in the eyes, but only because they learned that it is the proper way to communicate. Eye contact does not come naturally to them. This is why their stare is too strongly fixated on the other person and it looks weird. Some people say that they try to hypnotize their victims. But I believe that sometimes they just try too hard.” Um, OK.

catseyes“People have always been concerned about each other’s eyes and considered them to be windows to the soul. Interestingly enough, most animals avoid eye-to-eye contact. When stared at by another animal, they interpret that star as a prelude to an attack. When I was a child, I liked to pretend I was a cat like my lovable pet. Once, I get under my cat’s favorite chair and stared at her. My cat didn’t understand that I was playing. She pounced at me as if I had been challenging her space. I never tried that again, understanding what she must have considered my behavior. In the wild, people threatened by a lion or tiger can sometimes bluff the animal by staring it in the eyes. If they are lucky, the beast will think this person must have power to be so unafraid and confrontational. Only the human species sees eye contact as something warm and friendly. I have been told that even some human cultures consider eye-contact as rude. In the Latino cultures, I have heard, looking away is a gesture of submission and respect. Anglos often think the person is being “sneaky” when he is only being polite.

eyeondollar“An American dollar bill has a very compelling occultist symbol. It is a pyramid truncated close to its apex. The apex of this pyramid forms a triangle with a single eye within it. This symbol is familiar to Masons. It is variously called the “eye of Horus” (Egyptian) and the “eye of Shiva” (Hindu). The Christian fundamentalists like to believe that the “founding fathers” were Christian fundies like themselves. But many of them were agnostics and free-thinkers. All the American presidents (until JFK) were Masons. The slogan, “in God we trust” was not put on the dollar until the 50’s. Some people say the eye is the eye of God. It certainly was the eye of many Pagan gods, Horus, Osiris, Shiva… It has also been called the eye of the phoenix. Meanwhile, others say the eye is “creepy.”

“I am not particularly concerned with the conspiracy theories that the eye is “satanic.” My interest is merely to explore the deep significance the eye holds for humanity. The eye is the “window to the soul.” It is the instrument through which we are “seen.” Many people are fearful and nervous about the extent to which our government has us under surveillance. The eye is indeed a window through which we can see and be seen as well.

daath“The abyss is something most people fear without knowing why. In the Kabbalah, which is claimed both by the Jews and the Egyptians, the Tree of Life is like a diagram or map of spiritual reality. It’s a strongly felt instrument of occultism. The Golden Dawn called it the Qabbalah and made it a center of their studies. On the Tree of Life, there are spheres or “Sephira” representing aspects of spiritual reality. But there is one place on the Tree where a Sephira is absent. In it’s place is a void, called Daath. Only the bravest and most adventurous occultists dared to explore Daath. It is considered both dangerous and a gateway to the highest forms of wisdom. Coincidentally(?), astronomers speak of the black hole in space where everything is sucked into nothingness.

eyes“As can be seen, both the eye and the void are deeply felt by humanity, at least the Western part. The reason psychopaths are feared is, to a great extent, the lack of a conscience. Even Dr. Hare’s book about psychopathy is entitled Without Conscience. The fact that we are not controlled or held back by something most people claim to have within spooks those who are conscience-bound. I discuss this matter in an article on my web site, Free to Choose. We are not all “evil” and we are not forever doing bad things. But the fact that we can if we want to without being bothered by conscience scares the shit out of people. I think this fear is the root of my people’s “creepy” experience of looking into our eyes. Here’s looking at you.”


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First — it is now possible to objectively/scientifically recognize psychopaths (which will, I’m convinced, support Martha Stout’s cited estimate of 4% or 1 in 25 being a psychopath, ((K. Barry et al. (1997), R. Bland, S. Newman, H. Orn (1988), J. Samuels et al. (1994)), and my anecdotal agreement (from recognizing psychopaths waiting for the subway, at street corners, in the workplace, etc.).  Second — their unhappy response to this, i.e., their machinations to seize power over the rest of us – political, economic, and through the surveillance built into the internet of things of great utility and convenience.  Surveillance that can close like a vise on any chosen target.  We carry our own handcuffs with us.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” – George Orwell.  The Fabian, George Orwell, was a psychopath writing how-to books, as was Aldous Huxley also.  H.G. Wells of The Time Machine with the Eloi and Morlocks was also a Fabian and a psychopath.  The books seem to understand our plight from our own standpoint but only because psychopaths have something called “cold empathy.”  They know exactly how their targets will experience their attacks, it helps them ‘twist the stiletto’.

See the two prior posts (A hearsay tale involving Andrew Cuomo, and Commenter: “To borrow your own phrase, this nonsense has got to stop, one cannot recognize psychopaths by sight” — but, but, what if you are actually doing so without knowing it? (Mark Zuckerberg, in this case)).

Think what 1 in 25 being psychopaths mean.  It means that for every group of 25 that you’ve ever known, there was probably one psychopath.  It means we all walk shoulder to shoulder everyday with psychopathic beings who have zero fellow human feelings, emotionless, guiltless beings who see our emotional responses as weakness and know how to use them against us.

So why don’t we all know this?  I see two reasons.  First, as psychopaths always say (and I’ve heard them say this personally),we all believe what we want to believe.  Nobody wants to recognize Dad as a psychopath or Mom, bro or sis.  They just have issues and will put their lives together very soon, any day now.  Second, we should ask The New Yorker why they published the Psychopathic Whisperer, oopsie, my bad, the Psychopath Whisperer, Kent Kiehl’s drivel of psychopaths being so rare most people will never know any.  Who and what is The New Yorker? (https://pathwhisperer.info/2018/01/23/trust-me-im-a-doctor-this-is-a-medical-treatment-psychopath-larry-nassar-md-molests-young-female-gymnasts-for-20-plus-years/#comment-139406).

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Hearsay can’t be considered evidence.  But individuals are certainly free to decide if they believe a particular hearsay account to be more likely true or more likely false.  This story is at one level of hearsay (to me, and two levels to you), there is an individual who alleges to have been an eye/ear witness to alleged bragging by Andrew Cuomo, then there is the individual who relayed the story to me.  I trust my source did not make up this account, and I believe my source believes his source — the foregoing doesn’t necessarily mean anything but I want to add it to the mix.

If I could suggest how others approach the following, I’d suggest the these questions.  Does this account square with what you know of Mr. Cuomo, either personally or from the public record?  Could you see him planning and doing the following?  Is he Machiavellian enough?  If so, could you see him wishing to brag about it?  Is he arrogant enough to commit to such a strategy?  Etc.

This account, involving his divorce, goes as follows.  Nobody, of course, wants a divorce to publicly devolve into a blackmail contest of mutual dirt slinging and airing of dirty laundry.  Particularly not a politician.

Allegedly, Andrew Cuomo and his wife agreed to a trial separation, with a stated (not in writing) agreement that sex with others was acceptable.  A setup for a trap?  Mr. Cuomo allegedly then hired a private detective to follow his soon to be ex-wife.  At an appropriate time to catch his wife in flagrante delicto, alledgedly the private detective and Mr. Cuomo burst into the hotel room (or whereever), cameras in hand and flashes a-poppin’.  Voila, a nice quiet divorce.

What’s your opinion, could you see Andrew doing such?  Is he the type of personality that would want to brag about it?

Would you want him to wield facial recognition/AI tracking powers?  https://www.vocativ.com/396745/memo-new-york-called-for-face-recognition-cameras-at-bridges-tunnels/index.htmlhttps://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-21/big-brother-surveillance-begins-cuomo-unveils-facial-scanning-new-york-toll-plazas.

After the last election, I recall Mr. Cuomo being asked what he thought of Ms. Teachout.  Paraphrased from memory, ‘Ahh, political season.  Gotta love it.  Opinions, everyone has one’ and then laughed.  Let me translate that from psychopath-speak.  He was calling her an asshole.  The complete phrase, of course, is ‘opionions are like assholes, everyone has one.’  I’m sure all the other psychopaths laughed too.

Then there is his latest “America was never great”  flap.  Psychopaths in the thrall of groupthink are dangerous, they easily lose the thread.  He and his advisors no doubt thought they were destroying Trumps’ trump card, his ‘Make America Great Again‘ campaign.

Finally, on Andrew, have you noticed his voice?  Its very ugly.  I believe he lacks the empathic soul that animates a normal human voice.

Moving on, how about Chris?

 Fox News host Tucker Carlson poked fun at CNN’s Chris Cuomo Friday, playing a bizarre video Cuomo posted on Instagram.  . . .

In Cuomo’s video, he makes a few vague comments about last summer’s “Wonder Woman” movie before making air kisses.

Cuomo says, “‘Wonder Woman,’ amazing. We finally had a female director of break the $100 million mark. The film means more than just its box score. What does it mean to you? Here’s a little intrigue–I wanted to be like Wonder Woman, and I’m gonna wear a shirt that says it.”

“What does it qualify as intrigue that Chris Cuomo wanted to be Wonder Woman? Did he ever wear that shirt? What’s with the air kisses? There are so many more questions,” Carlson said.

He sarcastically continued, “It’s better to understand Chris Cuomo for who he is. An artist, poet, seeker, shaman. The question is not, what the hell is Chris talking about, but what is Chris Cuomo trying to teach us, all of us, humanity itself?”  http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/14/tucker-plays-bizarre-clip-of-cnns-chris-cuomo-talking-total-nonsense-video/

At what age does an child’s gender identity solidify?  It would seem that significant parts of Chris’s personality are arrested prior to that point.

More, CNN’s Chris Cuomo Excuses Antifa’s Violence Because ‘All Punches Are Not Equal . . .’ —  Chris Cuomo: We At CNN Can Possess WikiLeaks Emails, But You Can’t —  CNN’s Chris Cuomo: ‘Fake news’ insult ‘equivalent of the N-word Uh, . . ., guys, gals,  . . .

Finally, if someone would give me a toothbrush from each of Mario, Andrew and Chris plus 15 thousand dollars, I’ll give you the Cuomo bloodline, the Cuomo psychopathic bloodline.

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Regarding Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, would you say his looks are odd?  His eyes strange?  Would you say, or understand why someone else might describe his eyes as flat or shallow?  Would you say, or understand why someone else might say there was no soul behind his eyes?  Would you say, or understand why someone else might say the phrase, ‘the lights are on, but nobody is home”?  Does he seem arrogant to you?   Almost emotionless?  Personality-less?

Any ‘yes’, means you are on the way.  That’s how recognizing psychopaths start.

“Dumb F–ks”: Julian Assange Reminds Us What Mark Zuckerberg Thinks Of Facebook Users

“Julian Assange fired off a tweet Friday afternoon reminding people of the time Mark Zuckerberg called his users “Dumb fucks” because they trusted him with their private information. 

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard

Zuck: Just ask.

Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS

[Redacted Friend’s Name]: What? How’d you manage that one?

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don’t know why.

Zuck: They “trust me”

Zuck: Dumb fucks.

Wake up, Eloi.

Is Mark Zuckerberg’s wardrobe that of a genius… or psychopath?


Please note, Facebook has just shut down Alex Jones Infowars’ sites and Venezuelan sites.  It doesn’t matter what you think of these sites, next time it could be you.  The war begins.

What??  What’s that voice in the back?  “You’re wrong.  Mark is simply a nice Jewish boy!”  Ah.  . . .  No, you are the one who’s wrong.  The reason you think that, is due to psychopathy being another genetic disorder carried in higher percentages in the Ashkenazi population.  Plain and simple.  It is not anti-Semitism to note this.  In fact it should be freeing.  When a young person suddenly realizes that a parent is a psychopath, they are suddenly freed from the dictates of the parent/child power relationship, and can proceed to explore life unhindered by the anchor of the psychopathic parent.

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No.  1) Psychopaths are fully evolved intraspecies predators.  2) There is no relationship whatsoever between narcissists and psychopaths, the first is a psychological/emotionally disturbed condition (or maladaptation, or choice), the second is a biological condition.  They only appear similar.

More:  https://pathwhisperer.info/2016/03/24/psychopathic-tadpole-drains-normy-tadpole-of-life-forcejuices-biological-instraspecies-predators-parasites-cheater-strategists-and-sneaker-males/.

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