
Posts Tagged ‘Ronald Reagan’

What a relief for him, he won’t have to go back to Pakistan and face murder charges.  Talk about incentives.

I visited the court for a day during the trial.  Shahed is certainly a psychopath, imo.  In addition, there were one or two jury members who made me very suspicious.  I would like to have been there during their voir dire.  I suspect the defense lost the case during jury selection.  Justice and truth are completely meaningless to sociopaths.  9 out of 10 times, they will side with power.  99 times out of 100, they will side with a fellow sociopath.

I found the jury’s behavior very odd. It took them almost two weeks to come to a conclusion that most such persuaded juries would have come to in a day or two.  Often the only overt sign of a sociopath/psychopath (the words are used as synonyms, I use “psychopath” when I want a pejorative punch) is the unlikelihood of an outcome.  For example, a young couple who invites (thinking it’s their idea) a sociopath to join them in bed and then spends the next month vomiting and crying over their choice which no longer makes any sense and which destroyed their relationship.  Or, a haberdashery clerk who comes up with the idea of giving a customer a blank check since the customer has mislaid his wallet.  Or, a cop who holds the ladder for a second story man who “lost his key”.  Sociopaths can be very good at what they do.  They’re that good because their brains are different.

I would suggest that the videotapes of Hussain be studied in psychology and criminal science classes — the ins and outs, the subterfuges, the slipperiness, the arrogance, the subtlety of the psychopathic mind.

Even the judge seemed to see through him:

Yes or no!” yelled U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon as informant Shahed Hussain began to unspool yet another long-winded answer to a direct question.”Mr. Hussain, I’m tired of you playing games with the questions.”   No games, judge tells informant in Newburgh 4 trial

The defense even rattled him and drew out the most amazing claims.  Informer in Bomb Plot Describes His Two Lives including his self-described friendship with and gifts from Benazir Bhutto.

[D]efense lawyer Susanne Brody asked him, “Would you agree that remaining in the United States is worth more than all the money you have been paid for your work as an informant?”

“Yes,” Hussain responded.  Defense Lawyers In Bronx Synagogue Terror Case Call FBI Informant a Lifelong Liar.

It’s hard to imagine a more obvious case of entrapment.  The four suspects on trial had never shown any predisposition for this kind of crime, were involved in no group activity that might have led to any terrorist-like crime.  It seems their only predisposing traits were that they were Black Muslims, poor and also angry.  So they were selected to be seduced into a crime by a psychopath.  They were all essentially random victims chosen by fate to have their lives destroyed. Further their selection was governed simply by a psychopath’s sensing of vulnerabilities — probably the key psychopathic ability.  Is this a reason to destroy four lives?

Ah, but you say, they didn’t know the weapons weren’t real.  Apparently not.  So give them five years or so.  It is a near universal trait of the victims of sociopathic manipulators that they cooperate in their own downfall.  Of course they do.  That’s why the victimizers are called con artists — they are artists at inspiring confidence.

I imagine the psychopath[s] on the jury could have said the same thing, perhaps playing the soul of reasonableness:  ‘But the Newburgh four didn’t know the weapons weren’t real, that makes it attempted murder.’  Yes, but . . .

If you want to count the poor and angry as dangerous, you’ll spend the rest of your days counting.  Newburgh is one of those towns discarded by the forces of de-industrialization and globalization.  Our sociopaths-gone-wild economy with no check on the sociopaths, with no regard for the nation, with no guiding mind assuring that the “economic machine” acts in the interest of the nation’s citizens, with a fierce hatred of a middle class (working people living lives of dignity is an affront to sociopathic superiority, it hurts them) threw Newburgh by the wayside years ago.

Fools who think, ‘well I’m not black and homeless,’ are the biggest suckers of all.  Mass black homelessness was the first salvo against the middle class, engineered by the evil psychopath and pathological liar (pseudologue)  Ronald Reagan.  The conman, the flim flam man wanted you to feel safe.  How safe do you feel now?  But I digress . . .

Perhaps this small anecdote will give a flavor of Newburgh.  Newburgh’s Main Street is very wide with diagonal parking on both sides.  Driving through I always think of small towns in Kansas and the midwest.  The street is now lined with empty store fronts, consignment and self-styled antique shops.  It has been taken over by the “flea market economy.”

Anyway, one time I parked and started walking across Main Street to a high quality chocolate store still in business (Commodore Chocolates, the interior takes you back to the glory days of Newburgh).  Just as I was about to step into the lanes of traffic, this apparently homeless man approached me and asked if I could help him out.  He was somewhere in his thirties, dark skinned but with a reddish tint, as though he had a permanent suntan.  Wearing a fur lined dark brown leather vest with a fur collar, once very expensive but now ineligible even for Newburgh’s consignment stores, he cut a classy figure, even if it was trash-classy.  Obviously that was who he was in his own mind, a man of class and good taste.

Anyway, I turned away to get out my wallet to give him something.  Oh, oh, Citylife 101:  never take out your wallet to give to the homeless, you are inviting a snatch-and-run or a mugging — and he was taller, younger and maybe stronger than I (however, they do tell me there’s a lot of muscle under that fat).  But I couldn’t very well rewind my efforts without appearing a fool — so I decided to “tough it out” and figured I was probably being paranoid anyway (which probably was the case).  When I turned back towards him with a few bucks and the words, “Good luck, pal,” our eyes locked momentarily in a mutually steel-eyed stare.  I don’t know what he was thinking, but perhaps, sensing my sudden wariness, “This bozo is worried, in the middle of Main Street?!”; or perhaps “He has a billfold of money and he gives me three bucks?”; or, but probably not, “I should have snatched and run, that fat man would never have caught me.”  A proud man, forced to beg.

The point of this anecdote is that you can’t get away from the poverty in downtown Newburgh.  There’s often a vibe of suppressed violence.  Even the police seem jittery.  Fortunately the drug trade keeps liquidity in the local economy — I’m being sarcastic, it’s a horrible, but quite common, economic situation.  These were the waters Shahed Hussain was directed to troll for “home grown terrorists”!!?? There’s no terrorism in Newburgh, the poor are too busy surviving scavenger times.

To those who say all that matters is that the four thought the weapons were real, I ask who was responsible for the Heaven’s Gate suicides?  The individuals who did in fact commit suicide or the psychopathic cult leader, Do?

This case is a national disgrace.  And so was the jury.

A recent documentary on destroying lives and families to protect us from terror:   Entrapment or Foiling Terror? FBI’s Reliance on Paid Informants Raises Questions about Validity of Terrorism Cases.

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UBS Admits To Massive Tax Evasion Scheme

Banking giant UBS has agreed to pay $780 million and turn over once-secret Swiss banking records to settle allegations it conspired to defraud the U.S. government of taxes owed by big clients.

. . .  UBS executives helped U.S. taxpayers open new accounts in the names of sham entities.

Prosecutors contend that UBS executives used encrypted software and other counter-surveillance techniques to prevent anyone from detecting that they were actively marketing such Swiss bank secrecy — and tax evasion — to American taxpayers.

The clients, in turn, filed false tax returns that omitted the income they earned in their Swiss accounts, according to the court papers.

Federal officials said they had pulled aside a veil of secrecy that hid a corrupt international banking practice.

“This was not a mere compliance oversight, but rather a knowing crime motivated by greed and disrespect for the law,” said Alexander Acosta, U.S. attorney for southern Florida.


In 2006 and 2007 UBS was having everyone brush up on their “‘know your customer’ (KYC) skills and the identification of new trends in suspicious behavior” — even operations staff (on the computer side in my case).  We had to “undertake regular training courses, [. . .] in the form of on-line training” or compliance modules as they were called.  These had absolutely zero to do with our jobs, we never dealt with clients, let alone their money, so we used to call in banker friends to help us with the online tests.  (Above quotes from “Contributing to society, Preventing money laundering, corruption and terrorist financing,” http://www.ubs.com/1/e/about/corporate_responsibility/society/fighting_money_laundering.html.  OOPSIE, that page has been deleted!  OK, here’s another one:  http://www.ubs.com/1/e/polandcareers/ourcultureandvalues/corporate_responsibility/society/fighting_money_laundering.html.  Note that this page is under the heading, Our Culture and Values — one trait of the truly advanced, truly high ranking sociopathic mind is the depth and breadth of its hypocrisy.  Criticizing a sociopath for being hypocritical is like criticizing a fish for swimming — it’s simply their nature.)

It’s apparent now what the strategy was — window dressing.  UBS was putting on a big show of complying with anti-money laundering laws by having all firm personnel be trained in recognizing it — all the while carrying out that very thing through encrypted software and other counter-surveillance techniques (according to the U.S. DOJ).

Now what kind of mind would think a transparent ruse like this would accomplish anything?  Perhaps an arrogant, childish sociopathic mind.  Obviously not every crook is a sociopath.  However, in my opinion, sociopathy is the wind in the sails of evil and corruption.  The normally corrupt are forever fighting their consciences, following the conscienceless, the sociopaths, is a relief to them.

Unfortunately it seems UBS is still the same bank that accepted holocaust gold and sought to deprive the heirs of concentration camp victims their rightful funds.  As late as 1997 bank management thought they could order underlings to destroy Nazi-era banking records.  Fortunately, Christopher Meili, a security guard, turned them in.  (For more information:  “‘Nazi gold’ settlement mixed intangibles with money,” http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/views/y/1998/08/hirsch.nazigold.aug21/; Swiss Banks and World War II, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banking_in_Switzerland.)

Suggesting to a sociopathic banker that accepting gold collected from the teeth of concentration camp victims was wrong or the same to an athlete gaining the top of the podium through fraud would only convince the sociopath that the questioner was the one with the problem.  Their code:  you call it cheating, I call it winning.   If the point was to amass gold, the source, to a sociopath, would be utterly of no concern.

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No problem for a sociopath.  Consequences, cause and effect are far beyond the developmental stage of most sociopaths. Joe Jett of Kidder Peabody never thought the parade would end either.

Look at that “little boy lost” look.

Robert Kegan in “The Child Behind the Mask: Sociopathy as Developmental Delay.” In W. H. Reid, J.W. Bonner III, D. Dorr, and J.I. Walker (Eds.) Unmasking the Psychopath. (New York: W.W. Norton), 1986. (1986), p.  68:

The sociopath can sit still, inhibit immediate aims, defer gratification.  Indeed, if he did not have these abilities (which most latency-age children also have), people would not confuse him with an adult even with his adult-looking body (which most latency-age children do not have, and which has more to do with why latency-age children are not confused with adults than people realize).  [Kegan is saying I believe that it is the sociopath’s adult looking body that gets him into the door of adult life which he is actually unsuited for and absolutely untrustworthy in.]

A list of Kegan’s publications:  http://www.gse.harvard.edu/faculty_research/profiles/publications.shtml?vperson_id=318

Earlier posts:

Bernie Madoff, probable sociopath, following in the footsteps of Charles Ponzi, definite sociopath

More Madoff — for sociopaths there is no such thing as an ingroup

Welcome to our sociopaths-gone-wild-economy

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After a short hiatus I’m back in business.  Greetings, a belated Happy New Year and Happy Holidays.  There are a couple internal blog matters to cover.

Donations of any size are gratefully accepted.  If there are any deep pocketed individuals or organizations that would like to sponsor my work that would of course be great (this must be the eternal plaint of independent bloggers).  I currently simply don’t have the time to do more indepth studies.  At some point I’d like to do a study of Ronald Reagan concentrating on his autobiography, “Where’s the Rest of Me,” and his “I filmed Buchenwald” lie – was our president a sociopathic pathological liar (a pseudologue),  a longer piece on Adolf Eichmann’s sociopathy (as I see it) along with an attempt to understand Hannah Arendt’s error, a reading of Orwell’s Burmese Days as a blueprint for sociopathic murder by suicide, and I’d like to have the time to spend in the Paley Museum of Television and Radio tracking down documentaries of interest.  All this would take time which equates to money.

Concerning the comments, they often go straight into the spam folder.  Unfortunately some spam seems to be deleted immediately, though it is not supposed to be that way.  I’ve never not published a non-spam comment.  If a comment does not show up, feel free to email me the comment at pathwhisperer@yahoo.com if you wish.

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