
Posts Tagged ‘Futurepundit’

Wanderer gene — X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene, short GGC repeat polymorphism

“a variant X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene, predisposing the father to behaviors that include family abandonment, may be passed to their daughters causing early puberty, precocious sexuality, and behavior problems. The results of a study of 121 White males and 164 White females showed a significant association of the short alleles of the GGC repeat polymorphism of the AR gene with a range of measures of aggression and impulsivity, increased number of sexual partners, sexual compulsivity, and lifetime number of sex partners in males; and paternal divorce, father absence, and early age of menarche in females.”  http://www.hopepress.com/html/abstract_91-100.html

X-linked means that this psychopathic candidate gene affects both males and females (female chromosomes of course are XX, males, XY), and androgen receptors ‘dock’ to male hormones such as testosterone, which is what we want, again for both females and males.  Linda Mealey posited that psychopathy was sex-limited, i.e. required an androgen environment to ‘flower’.

[S]ociopaths are individuals on the extreme end of a normal distribution whose genetic component is (1) polygenic and (2) to a large degree, sexlimited.  [Sex- limited genes, not to be confused with sex-linked genes, are those which are located on the autosomes of both sexes but which are triggered into expression only within the chemical/ hormonal microenvironment of one sex or the other. Common examples include beard and mustache growth in men, and breast and hip development in women.] If a large number of the many genes underlying sociopathy are triggered by testosterone or some other androgen, many more men than women will pass the threshold of the required number of active genes necessary for its outward expression.  According to the two-threshold model, those females who do express the trait must have a greater overall “dose” or “genetic load” . . . https://pathwhisperer.info/2011/08/07/the-sociobiology-of-sociopathy-an-integrated-evolutionary-model-linda-mealey/

Ruthlessness gene — arginine vasopressin receptor 1A ” AVPR1a”, allele 334 or short RS3 repeats

Prosocial hormone

Ebstein and his colleagues decided to look at AVPR1a because it is known to produce receptors in the brain that detect vasopressin, a hormone involved in altruism and ‘prosocial’ behaviour. Studies of prairie voles have previously shown that this hormone is important for binding together these rodents’ tight-knit social groups.

Ebstein’s team wondered whether differences in how this receptor is expressed in the human brain may make different people more or less likely to behave generously.

To find out, they tested DNA samples from more than 200 student volunteers, before asking the students to play the dictator game (volunteers were not told the name of the game, lest it influence their behaviour). Students were divided into two groups: ‘dictators’ and ‘receivers’ (called ‘A’ and ‘B’ to the participants). Each dictator was told that they would receive 50 shekels (worth about US$14), but were free to share as much or as little of this with a receiver, whom they would never have to meet. The receiver’s fortunes thus depended entirely on the dictator’s generosity.

About 18% of all dictators kept all of the money, Ebstein and his colleagues report in the journal Genes, Brain and Behavior1. About one-third split the money down the middle, and a generous 6% gave the whole lot away.

Long and short

There was no connection between the participants’ gender and their behaviour, the team reports. But there was a link to the length of the AVPR1a gene: people were more likely to behave selfishly the shorter their version of this gene.

It isn’t clear how the length of AVPR1a affects vasopressin receptors: it is thought that rather than controlling the number of receptors, it may control where in the brain the receptors are distributed. Ebstein suggests the vasopressin receptors in the brains of people with short AVPR1a may be distributed in such a way to make them less likely to feel rewarded by the act of giving.

Though the mechanism is unclear, Ebstein says, he is fairly sure that selfish, greedy dictatorship has a genetic component. It would be easier to confirm this if history’s infamous dictators conveniently had living identical twins, he says, so we could see if they were just as ruthless as each other.  https://www.nature.com/news/2008/080404/full/news.2008.738.html

Ruthless Gene Test For Marital Happiness

Individual differences in allocation of funds in the dictator game associated with length of the arginine vasopressin 1a receptor RS3 promoter region

Earlier post:

Genetic cocktail — psychopathy genetic markers


DRD2 A1, DRD4 7-repeat, 5HTTLPR/rs25531, COMPT (or COMT) Met108/158, MAOA-L (corrections welcome).

So, . . .which one, if any of these, is the no fellow-human-feeling, no empathy, no guilt gene, . . .where do full-genetic-dose psychopaths such as Stacey Castor or Michael Swango fall on this (actually they are not full spectrum full dose psychopaths — they did have the capacity to exercise restraint and to strategize, but on the other-humans-are-just-bugs continuum they are full dose)?


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I’m bringing this post back — it’s been a while, also there happen to be multiple searches today for Thomas Capano.

Obviously I think they are.  It’s why I write this blog. From my Mission Statement:  [My aim is] to share information about sociopathy and sociopathic behavior in everyday life. “It’s as though there’s a dangerous fish in all the waters of the world, that is never mentioned”  https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/about/.

To the best of my knowledge, the term SAPs originated with Roger Canup.

In the last section I pointed out that the problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today. I will now discuss the people who have been telling plausible lies: the Socially Adept Psychopaths or S.A.Ps (pronounced SAPS) of the world. An example of S.A.P. thought processes is in order.

Most people have heard of Ted Bundy; the serial killer who was executed in Florida several years ago. Not many people are aware of the fact that Bundy was studying to become a prosecutor, and that eventually he hoped to become a judge. Those that do know that fact see it as some strangely ironic twist – an inexplicable quirk in Bundy’s bizarre makeup. It never seems to occur to most people that the perfect place for a psychopathic serial killer to hide in society is as a prosecutor or a judge; but I assure you that it occurs to the Psychopaths of the world. I would estimate that about 10% of the prosecutors and judges in the United States are in fact, S.A.Ps. The ONLY difference between them and Ted Bundy is that they were able to control outward signs of their Psychopathy until they achieved their goal of being in a position of authority.


For most of their lives Thomas Capano and Ira Einhorn passed as SAPs and led seemingly responsible lives — it was only the insult to the ego of a lover leaving and the subsequent murder of same that exposed them.

Thomas Capano

Ira Einhorn

If their girlfriends, who they ended up murdering, and victims of other psychopaths had known enough about sociopathy to suspect it, perhaps they wouldn’t have gone back one last time, or gone back alone to retrieve their belongings, or tried to do the right thing and explain why they were leaving in person, or tried to stay just friends, or agreed to meet in private, etc.  In my opinion, it’s incredibly irresponsible of law enforcement and the media not to inform the public about sociopathic criminals.

Brain Scans Show Abnormalities In Psychopaths

Adrian Raine’s “successful” psychopaths are essentially the same as SAPs.

In the study of the hippocampus, the research team [led by Adrian Raine of USC] expanded the scope of previous studies by comparing the brains of two groups for the first time: “successful” psychopaths – those who had committed crimes but had never been caught – and “unsuccessful” psychopaths – those who had been caught.
. . .
The difference between successful psychopaths (those who avoid getting arrested) and unsuccessful psychopaths is that the more successful ones have a greater ability to learn fear of getting caught and to therefore guide their own behavior to minimize the chances of getting caught.
. . .
“There’s faulty wiring going on in psychopaths. They’re wired differently than other people,” Raine said. “In a way, it’s literally true in this case.”

He found that the psychopaths’ corpus callosums were an average of 23 percent larger and 7 percent longer than the control groups’.
. . .

With an increased corpus callosum came less remorse, fewer emotions and less social connectedness – the classic hallmarks of a psychopath, he said.

“These people don’t react. They don’t care,” Raine said. “Why that occurs, we don’t fully know, but we are beginning to get important clues from neuro-imaging research.”


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There isn’t any.  Pseudologues (i.e., sociopaths who are also pathological liars) are the way they are born to be.  Neither freewill or individual psychology plays any role.  Their brains are even different (www.futurepundit.com/archives/001998.html, www.futurepundit.com/archives/003035.html.

However, there are other types of psychological liars so each individual should obviously be evaluated.  A problem with this, though, is that those individuals we would assume to be experts, therapists, probably have less experience with pseudologues and sociopaths than we do in daily life.  Pseudologues and sociopaths, being perfect in every way, simply do not often present themselves for treatment.  Further, if they do, their purpose is not to change but to learn how to pass for normal more easily — in effect they seek to use talk therapy to become more adept as sociopathic predators.

I agree with those that believe pseudologues and sociopaths should never, ever be accepted into talk therapy.  I would go even further to state that any therapists who do in fact do this should lose their licenses — since it is only by their being out of touch with their own soul that they could fail to recognize the soulless, could fail to recognize that they couldn’t reach the sociopathic client.  Any therapist out of touch with their own soul can not be of any use to anybody, is by definition not even a therapist in the first place.

The worst situation I have ever known of in this regard involved a therapy group that allowed sociopathic members along with the depressives, neurotics, incest victims, etc.  I’m sure the therapist (Nancy Becker, LCSW, http://nancybeckertherapy.com/, https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/name/Nancy_Becker_LCSW_New+York_New+York_145736) would never have thrown piranhas into a goldfish bowl, but this she found acceptable.  I’m not a fan of group therapy in the first place (I believe it is a grotesque lowering of boundaries before strangers one can not know) but accepting sociopaths into group therapy should be grounds for automatic malpractice suits against a therapist.

A universal among sociopaths (including pseudologues) is delight at manipulating the non-sociopathic into behavior betraying their souls.

In the instance above I consider the therapist to be a rigid or malignant narcissist herself (one of Scott Peck’s mentally ill evil described in his book, People of the Lie).  Many people object to the concepts of evil and mental illness being joined, I can only assume they have never dealt with any malignant narcissists.   Group therapy with such a flawed therapist would become a celebration of her defect.  Sociopaths would effortlessly join that effort.  In addition narcissists are very attracted to sociopaths, narcissists themselves have to spend eternity fighting their souls, their consciences, their dreams and do in fact wake up to their true humanity occasionally.  Sociopaths have none of these problems.

A small grotesquery in an extremely grotesque story is that this therapist was called Mother by her clients.  It is hard to imagine a greater perversion of reality or semantics.

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Obviously I think they are.  It’s why I write this blog. From my Mission Statement:  [My aim is] to share information about sociopathy and sociopathic behavior in everyday life. “It’s as though there’s a dangerous fish in all the waters of the world, that is never mentioned”  https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/about/.

To the best of my knowledge, the term SAPs originated with Roger Canup.

In the last section I pointed out that the problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today. I will now discuss the people who have been telling plausible lies: the Socially Adept Psychopaths or S.A.Ps (pronounced SAPS) of the world. An example of S.A.P. thought processes is in order.

Most people have heard of Ted Bundy; the serial killer who was executed in Florida several years ago. Not many people are aware of the fact that Bundy was studying to become a prosecutor, and that eventually he hoped to become a judge. Those that do know that fact see it as some strangely ironic twist – an inexplicable quirk in Bundy’s bizarre makeup. It never seems to occur to most people that the perfect place for a psychopathic serial killer to hide in society is as a prosecutor or a judge; but I assure you that it occurs to the Psychopaths of the world. I would estimate that about 10% of the prosecutors and judges in the United States are in fact, S.A.Ps. The ONLY difference between them and Ted Bundy is that they were able to control outward signs of their Psychopathy until they achieved their goal of being in a position of authority.


For most of their lives Thomas Capano and Ira Einhorn passed as SAPs, in my opinion — it was only the insult to the ego of a lover leaving and the subsequent murder of same that exposed them.

Thomas Capano

Ira Einhorn

If the murdered women and others in their position had known enough about sociopathy to suspect it in these cases perhaps they wouldn’t have gone back one last time, gone back to retrieve their belongings alone, tried to do the right thing and explain why they were leaving in person, tried to stay just friends, agree to meet in private, etc.  In my opinion, it’s incredibly irresponsible of law enforcement and the media not to inform the public about sociopathic criminals.

Brain Scans Show Abnormalities In Psychopaths

Adrian Raine’s “successful” psychopaths are essentially the same as SAPs.

In the study of the hippocampus, the research team [led by Adrian Raine of USC] expanded the scope of previous studies by comparing the brains of two groups for the first time: “successful” psychopaths – those who had committed crimes but had never been caught – and “unsuccessful” psychopaths – those who had been caught.
. . .
The difference between successful psychopaths (those who avoid getting arrested) and unsuccessful psychopaths is that the more successful ones have a greater ability to learn fear of getting caught and to therefore guide their own behavior to minimize the chances of getting caught.
. . .
“There’s faulty wiring going on in psychopaths. They’re wired differently than other people,” Raine said. “In a way, it’s literally true in this case.”

He found that the psychopaths’ corpus callosums were an average of 23 percent larger and 7 percent longer than the control groups’.
. . .

With an increased corpus callosum came less remorse, fewer emotions and less social connectedness – the classic hallmarks of a psychopath, he said.

“These people don’t react. They don’t care,” Raine said. “Why that occurs, we don’t fully know, but we are beginning to get important clues from neuro-imaging research.”


More recent and widespread research can be found at the linked Swedish site, It Affects Us All.  Their research page is Forskning, http://user.tninet.se/csz433c/homepages/evah/html/forskning.htm.  The research links with English synopses are towards the bottom.

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