
Posts Tagged ‘character assassination’

From comment to post:

“I suspect/believe that The New Yorker’s article on Stanley Kubrick, prior to his death, was a hit piece (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/06/14/a-kubrick-odyssey).

As Malcolm X Jr. (Malcolm Shabazz) said before he was thrown off a roof, ‘first they character assassinate you, then they assassinate you.’ The New Yorker article was followed by the medical assassination of Mr. Kubrick by a heart attack (hard to prove, but I would bet vast sums). I strongly suspect the author of the article knew that was coming. Purpose: why would people feel inclined to turn over stones and leaves in the death of an unsavory weirdo? The character assassination protects the assassins.

Finally, I consider Stanley Kubrick to be one of quite a few psychopathy awareness martyrs. “Eyes Wide Shut”, it doesn’t get clearer than that.”

https: //pathwhisperer.info/2018/01/23/trust-me-im-a-doctor-this-is-a-medical-treatment-psychopath-larry-nassar-md-molests-young-female-gymnasts-for-20-plus-years/#comment-139406 (take space out)

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I wouldn’t have voted for Roy Moore, we are too far apart on the issues.  But that’s what should determine elections – issues and vision of the future, not character assassination.  We all deserve fair play whether in the political arena, courts or life.  Without judging the allegations (though I’ve never, ever, witnessed a tearless fake crier who I ended up believing.  Tearless fake crying is a psychopathic pity play specialty, they think we are too stupid to notice), I’d like to focus on the psychopathic gang stalking strategies used against him.  Even if it turns out he is guilty of the allegations, which we have no proof of and mostly aren’t as serious as the inflated terms used, the media approach was very improper.

The attack was essentially through a very sly and improper use of English plus a kind of word inflation.  “Accused pedophile”, “accused molester” were terms that were used across the media (in seemingly organized fashion, but then our fake news industry is really a social engineering industry).  There is no such thing as either of those terms.  ‘Accused pedophile?’ — ‘what’s the pedophile accused of?’ — the phrase assumes the actuality of the subject of the sentence being a pedophile.  This is a purposeful psychopath-think strategy to ‘slide’ the pedophile accusation into the realm of reality.  The proper term of course is ‘alleged pedophile.’  However in this instance Roy Moore was never accused of pedophilia.  He was accused of sexual activity with a post puberty minor by a then 14 year old.  Pedophilia is the sexual interest in pre-pubescent children.  He was never accused of that.  If the then fourteen year old’s assertions are true, the crime would have been lewd behavior with a minor — not child molestation or statutory rape (which is consenting sex with a minor before the age of consent).   But the terms, pedophile, child abuser, molester, perv have been thrown around by the so-called journalists.  Katy Tur and that fake journalist with his own fake news show, Chris Cuomo, come to mind.  Roy Moore should collect instances where the term alleged was not added and sue.  I don’t know if he’s guilty of any of these allegations but I do know the media is guilty of psychopathic gangstalking through the purposeful sly use of language and word meaning inflation plus general moral sliminess in the cause of character assassination.

There were many elements involved in the character attack on Moore.  They obviously hoped to stampede him out of the race.  It started with a piling on of allegations (none of which had ever surfaced before in his controversial and contentious political/judicial career — this doesn’t prove them false, but does raise questions) with no time for a where-does-the-truth-lay investigation.  There is no such thing as ‘Oh, the accuser is credible, so we should just believe the accuser.’  We’re not mind readers and no court works like that.  In a ‘he said, she said’ law case, both stories are examined and both parties cross examined.  If an accuser is credible then you take the accusers accusations seriously and examine them, not take them on faith.  That public assertion by so much of the media otherwise is simple nonsense and a symptom of their moral corruption.  Then of course, there was the frequently raised question of “what motivation would the accusers have had to lie” and thus that they must be telling the truth.  That’s naive and childish at best, and assumed similarity disorder at worst.  There are as many motivations to lie as there are types of mental illness (each with its own peculiar motivations), as there are individuals desirous of more money, as there are individuals who can be blackmailed, etc.

Going back to tearless fake criers, we all recall Juanita Broaddrick.  A number of years ago I was going to do a post analyzing a couple of her accusatory (against Bill Clinton) videos but never got around to it.  There were moments where in the midst of her fake crying and shoulder shaking she would get still and look out through her outstretched fingers that were ‘hiding her grief’ and seemingly judge, with cold tearless eyes, the effect of her performance.  I found her totally unbelievable and strongly suspect (extremely strongly suspect) her of being an actual psychopath and probably that rarest of rare, a pseudologue.

I haven’t analyzed the video of Berverly Nelson’s claims in detail, but my instinctive reaction to the parts shown on the news was that this woman was lying, not merely faking the crying.  There should be no public prohibition on asking and examining whether accusers are psychopaths or other pathological liars.

Finally, honest journalism would have reported both sides’ claims and responses and leave the opinion making to the viewers/readers.  But obviously todays ‘journalists’ see their job as being opinion drivers and will use dishonest psychopathic strategies to do so.  That’s evil.

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Scarily convincing fake video tool puts words in Obama’s mouth

New technology enables scarily realistic lip-sync Obama video

A computer program that can edit videos of people speaking to realistically make it look like they said something else has been created, raising fears of clips being tampered with online.

Researchers at the University of Washington have lip-synced a video of former US president Barack Obama using the program to superimpose new audio onto the clip.

The realistic results put words in Obama’s mouth by converting audio sounds into mouth movements and blending them onto an existing video of speech.


Soon it will be possible to animate millions of face and body pixels to create videos of individuals doing absolutely anything.  What a happy time for psychopathic elements of “law enforcement”!

Earlier:  https://pathwhisperer.info/2017/04/26/oh-great-bad-guys-gain-powerful-tool-for-framing-and-character-assassination-lyrebird-voice-software/

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Bad guys such as psychopathic disgraces to law enforcement.

Lyrebird Can Listen and Copy Any Voice in One Minute
Lyrebird steals your voice to make you say things you didn’t – and we hate this future

I’m sure the NYPD rogue psychos have samples of my voice.  Some twenty years ago an ex was “adopted” by a group of genetic psychopaths wearing NYPD badges (one of them is my current cyberstalker).  Not only did they give her tours of my apartment but also access to my phone line (I’m sure the DA’s office still has a record of my unsuccessful attempt to persuade them to investigate).  I believe her prime “protector” was the individual assigned the unmarked police car DPL8171, in the 1990s he had driven an unmarked Taxi police car.  Both cars disappeared from the neighborhood after my documenting their use in ‘harassment by police’ on behalf of my ex.

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“Have you ever, as a child, been accused of something you didn’t do, either by your parents, teachers or other “authorities?” And if so, were you punished unfairly for something you didn’t do? Do you remember how it felt?

“As you remember, can you feel the frustration, the helpless anger and resentment that you told the truth and no one believed you? YOU know what you did or did not do, and no one can take that away from you. But they have taken away from you the right for that truth to be known by others. And someone else has taken away THEIR right to know the truth. You have been slandered and punished, and there is NO WAY you can ever prove that it was wrong and unjust, and all the other people will have a “history” of you that is false. In fact, this knowledge that others will have false memories of you, will have false ideas about what you did until they die, hurts almost worse than the punishment. What is more, in a vague way, you can perceive that those who believe the lie have been deprived of something valuable about you: the truth that you did not do what you were accused of doing, and that you did tell the truth. A barrier has been erected between you and the others—the barrier of a lie.” Laura Knight-Jadczyk https://salemwitchhunt.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/falsely-accused/

The shock isn’t really the lie of the psychopath (or of the gangstalking psychopaths and their flying monkeys) but the believing by the others.  “Why should you have believed them, no matter what they said?”

Related posts:  https://pathwhisperer.info/2012/03/11/from-country-of-liars-character-assassination/, https://pathwhisperer.info/2014/10/22/psychopathic-character-assassination-and-murder-by-suicide-as-depicted-in-orwells-burmese-days/.

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You can just hear that scream, that confusion, that shock.

A plea sent out over the ether.

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I’m asking for assistance in getting to the bottom of a situation that has blighted my life for some time. There are enough people reading this who know me and this situation. For some years, I have been plagued by a character assassination campaign. Some, who I feel know me perfectly well, have from one day to the next chosen to face the wall rather than acknowledge me or seemed even very frightened of me. I have no idea what motivates them. The situation is truly insane, which is why I believe there is a psychopathic spider at the center of this web, currently probably the owner of the DPA/DPL license tags (I suspect, but don’t know for a fact, that these are NYPD tags), or perhaps a psychopathic group therapy client of my ex’s therapist.  I’ve faced psychopathic tag teaming, gang stalking since the start of my work on psychopathy (though it actually started slightly earlier with personal conflict with particular psychopaths).  The fact that the allegation(s) is/are apparently convincing is meaningless.  Psychopaths are called confidence artists for a reason, they inspire confidence and the truth is irrelevant to them.

I don’t know whether these are all related, but first I noticed that members of an ex’s therapy group, suddenly become afraid of me. Some time later, I understand my ex had plastic surgery, becoming unrecognizable. I have no idea what she looks like. One night after thinking I might be in her presence (the rest of the group had been there) my wife and I were awoken around 3 am by two fax polling calls, from a number that turned out to be her personal number. She made fax polling calls to various phone numbers linked to me for over ten years. (Further, if interested, To the de Blasio administration, I hereby volunteer to identify NYPD whiteshirt psychopaths, gratis.)

I had nothing to do with any cause of her choosing to have plastic surgery. If she thought so, her therapists should have hospitalized her until she recovered from that psychotic break, if that was the cause. However, they are scared of me also. Once my wife and I were seated next to them in a restaurant and from their panicked glances at each other one would have thought Satan had sat near them. ‘Was it something I said? Wait, I hadn’t spoken to them in some 15 years. Oh, waiter . . .” There were other occurrences, though very rare, because I only ran in to them once or twice a year around our shared neighborhood. However, it culminated in 2012, when the husband (both are therapists) — well, I’m not inside his head, so let me give several possibilities — when the husband sought to menace/threaten me by lunging his car at me from a standing start all the while in the parking lane, or perhaps it was an impulsive murder attempt, or perhaps he always does jackrabbit starts and drives in the parking lane whenever possible and enjoys scattering pedestrians, I don‘t know. Clearly the lad was confused, so rather than having him arrested I had an attorney write a letter, my wish being to find out the motive for his bizarre behavior not his punishment. But nothing came of it. (See, For the record (private message transmitted publicly) and the de Blasio link above.)

In 2002, Sue Hudgins, the COO of PaineWebber’s Municipal Security Group (later UBS’s), came into a kitchen, stopped when she saw me and said “Something stinks in here,” and left. From then on she only glared at me in seeming disgust, though previously we had gotten along well, usually sharing small friendly conversations when we ran into each other.

Researchers into family life and psychopathy might be interested in interviewing Ms. Hudgins.  I believe her father and at least two of her husbands were/are psychopaths.  The children of psychopaths are very easy to recognize, there’s a constellation of deeply humiliated personality traits.

A witness that I was friendly with, said she’d try to find out the whyfors of Ms. Hudgins’ behavior towards me.  Shortly she stopped talking to me also. ‘Huh, what??” I subsequently got into some trouble at work threatening legal action. At the time my father had said that I was attempting to accomplish with a jerk when a steady pull was called for. Since then my father has passed away and I still am in the dark. I had told him that I didn’t see why anyone would necessarily ever come forward. People don’t like involving themselves in possible legal complications, and people seem instinctively reluctant to involve themselves in anything messy or fantastical. And of course, now the situation is 10 – 20 times more fantastical. Also if the lie is big enough, the accused is essentially considered guilty until proven innocent (“No empath cares anything about proofs“, “Of course we shall never prove that he is responsible for it; but what does that matter?”, Psychopathic character assassination and murder-by-suicide as depicted in Orwell’s Burmese Days).

This is not a small thing. It’s like being in a boxing match with a ghost. We’re social animals, the feeling that the world is a thin layer of crust over lava underneath is crippling (see, From Country of Liars: Character Assassination). The psychopath survivor blogs talk of difficulty in concentrating and/or becoming hypervigilant in response.

In 2013 I entered into an academic program to move into a new direction and assure myself and my loved ones of financial security in my old age. At first it went very well, I found myself striding confidently into an eagerly awaited future, just like young people are supposed to do. I am not young of course, but it was a new beginning. But then my concentration started sliding, as the split concentration and the worry reasserted itself.

Hypervigilance is not all bad. I notice things that are “wrong” unconsciously. Regarding that car that had almost slammed me into a divider (see, Should I be concerned), I hadn’t taken my eye off of it since it entered the highway, something was just “wrong” about the way it was being driven.

Plus it once enabled me to stop a violent mugging in progress (Oct. 2011). I was driving west on Central Park North approaching Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard when I noticed two people in the dusk walking with one very close behind. Something seemed wrong. Then I saw them walking side by side and relaxed, thinking, ‘ah, boyfriend and girlfriend.’ However when they started merry-go-rounding around a contested bag, my response was, ‘oh, so that’s what’s going down,” and was able to respond immediately.

Now, the sequence above took place in my peripheral vision and the peripheral part of my mind. My main mind was concentrating on driving, paying attention to the other cars around me, planning my route, etc. However, once my peripheral mind realized what was happening, my main mind was ready to go, with no uptake of the slack and no confusion. The problem then was how to affect the outcome of the situation down the block which could be over in seconds. So I started gunning the engine, honking the horn, flashing the lights all to convey onrushing trouble for the perp. As I jammed on the brakes and turned to drive onto the curb, the mugger dropped his hold and ran back against the direction of traffic. The woman said that he had kept looking back and forth at me on the way and then at her and the bag, until fleeing. Fortunately my plan worked, for he had already slashed her in the neck with a knife and if another attempt had connected with an artery, things could have turned out very badly. (See, Should I worry about this (I don’t remember why I put the account there).)

However one needs to be able to concentrate fully in life. (After being laid off I also tried teaching myself piano and also guitar, but I couldn’t do it.  I’m a professionally trained actor and singer, so these skills could have amounted to livelihoods.) The stress and split concentration affects all aspects of on one’s life. My wife: “Why do I always have to repeat everything twice, you don’t listen.” A physical activity teacher: “It’s not that you can’t hear, it’s that you aren’t listening.” Me: “Did you coordinate that with my wife?”  (See “Country of Liars” link above.)

2015 is the final year I can start that academic program in time to finish in the time allotted. Somebody who knows me needs to stand up and let me in on the secret. “It is important that no charges be answerable” is no way to live (See, Psychopathic character assassination and murder-by-suicide as depicted in Orwell’s Burmese Days). In life as in court one deserves to know the charges against oneself. What’s so hard to understand about that?

Informing me anonymously would be fine, the only comment field necessary is the comment itself. Using a copy center/internet café would hide a personal IP address. My email is pathwhisperer@yahoo.com, that’s another possibility, plus use a free email account if desired. But this nonsense has gone on long enough. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Burmese Days becomes a perfect description of psychopathic strategizing once ‘psychopath’ or ‘nonempath’ are substituted for ‘Oriental’ and ’empath’ or ‘normy’ for ‘European’ in the following extracts as appropriate.  (Ctrl + in many browsers will zoom in.)

A key to such a campaign is U Po Kyin’s statement, “There must be no accusations that can be answered“.


No empath cares anything about proofs“.


Dr. Veraswami sees the psychopathic train coming, but can do nothing.


The start of the campaign.


U Po Kyin as agent provocateur, to set up his own heroism, with complete disregard for the flesh and blood that will fall.


“Of course we shall never prove that he is responsible for it; but what does that matter?”


Planning for the murder by suicide.


The murder by suicide.




August 10, 2015:  I am simply stunned that no one has ever communicated the character assassination allegations against myself.  I once offered a woman who, from one day to the next, turned her head to the wall rather than say hello to me (and we had been workplace friends for years – this pattern happened repeatedly but slowly over the years, the psychopathic perp couldn’t risk my inner circle telling me), a hundred dollars if she (or her husband if she preferred) would tell me the whyfor.  Plenty of people who know me read this blog.  Comments can be totally anonymous.  There is no need to fill out any identifying field.  Further to protect their IP address, if desired, anyone can simply go to a copy center or internet cafe.  Comments are moderated so it is a private communication.  If preferred there are also many free and anonymous email account providers.  I just don’t get it. Where’s the downside? I would help and have helped others in similar situations.

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Recently I went to an email account of mine and found this ad.

For years (over 10) I would see this same ad (or a similar one for the same website) on an auction website that I went to frequently.  I believe it now showed up in the email program to let me know it had been hacked (by a cop friend of my ex).  What good is getting over on somebody, if you can’t let them know?  Those who know how to do it can write scripts to send the metatags of their choice to advertising services.

This email website normally only has one series of ads.  Yet I also saw, one time only, a Charmin bathroom tissue ad (for around three seconds, literally).  I took this to mean that they had accessed my instrument/emergency supplies storage facility (no big deal).

Originally I thought the ad on the auction website was connected with firearms in the auctions.  However I never searched for any firearms and most were long guns anyway.  Furthermore this was the only firearm ad ever showing up.  I believe they wanted me to click on it, presumably to portray me as a violent individual.

However I have zero interest in concealed carry personally.  The only time I might wish to have a handgun would be if I lived on a farm or in bear country.  Other than that, I wouldn’t be interested in owning one.

For awhile now, I’ve prevented ads from appearing on my computer.  So I turned them back on and went to the same auction website.  Voila:

Screenshot from 2014-09-13

How am I supposed to take this?  Just more shenanigans from gas lighting psychopaths or something more sinister?

When the therapist husband (Steven Cope, http://www.stevencope.com/, http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/steven-cope-lcsw-new-york) of my ex’s therapist almost ran me down (as it appeared from my standpoint), he looked simply terrified and extremely angry.  I have no idea why.  I have no record of violence or violent threats.  I suspect one of the psychopathic cops is painting a false picture for his own purposes.  Or perhaps he, his wife  (Nancy Becker, http://nancybeckertherapy.com/, https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/name/Nancy_Becker_LCSW_New+York_New+York_145736), and her (their?) group therapy group are in the thrall of a psychopathic member of the group.

Now, there is a logical, nonviolent possible reason for their (my ex’s psychopathic police friends) believing these ads might be effective in drawing me in (I never clicked on one of them ever).  But that would involve repeated jail time felonies on their part.  I believe they used to give tours of my apartment to my ex, at the time I had a few hunting magazines around.  I see these ads as proof of their illegal entry.

The NYPD knows who the main individual is through my communications.  I wish they would prove to themselves the psychopathic-or-not status of this individual, through Adrian Raines brain scans (https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/tag/adrian-raine/).

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News items with that psychopathic flavor.  Most of these I will hardly comment on.  Feel free to ask me to elaborate on any psychopathic aspect if you wish.

Police:  Teen Tricked Oklahoma Walmart Managers Out Of Nearly $30,000

NORMAN, Okla. (CBS Houston) – A 17-year-old scammed 3 Oklahoma Walmart stores out of nearly $30,000, reports KFOR-TV.

At a Walmart in Moore, the teen “acted as if he was a general manager from another store,” says the police report. He told the managers he was doing an inventory before corporate higher ups came to inspect them after the holidays. http://houston.cbslocal.com/2014/02/08/police-teen-tricked-oklahoma-walmart-managers-out-of-nearly-30000/

Don’t think for a second that these managers were stupid.  Psychopaths are simply that good.

Hamptons Group Home Workers Allegedly Ran ‘Developmentally Disabled Fight Club’

. . . Kagan said one group home worker shot cell phone video while three others raucously laughed, as they encouraged two severely disabled men to fight.

“They encouraged them to strike each other – one knocking over the other in the wheelchair – and then rewarding them with praise,” Kagan said.

The disabled men – in their 50s but with the mental capacity of preschoolers – were residents of the Independent Group Home Living program in Hampton Bays.  http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/02/06/long-island-group-home-workers-allegedly-forced-developmentally-disabled-people-to-fight/

Psychopaths like to video their own crimes mostly because they aren’t self referential.  To truly enjoy their crimes they need feedback from outside.  Also of course, if it’s on video they get to enjoy the good times all over again.  They seem to really enjoy kicking dogs when they are down.  Perhaps only one of the perps is psychopathic, no need for all of them to be.  (It should be pointed out that these are only allegations at this point, the case might turn out to be not as strong as it currently appears.)

Federal Police Officer Accused Of Sending Nude Selfie To Woman Who Needed Help

. . . “Officer, did you send this … a naked picture of yourself?”

The picture is almost a full-length nude. He allegedly sent it to the woman’s cell phone.

“It’s shocking,” she said, “No one has ever sent me a nude selfie before. Let alone a police officer who I was going to him for help.”  http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2014/01/27/only-on-2-federal-police-officer-accused-of-sending-nude-selfie-to-woman-who-needed-help/

Some psychopaths are incredibly manipulative Don Juans that read every emotion, others just don’t get it.  Congressman Bob Packwood, ‘sometimes you hit a home run and you’re a hero, sometimes you strike out and you’re a zero.’

Her kids are with woman who killed her own children

Twenty years ago, Kristine Cushing shot and killed her two daughters in their sleep.

Cushing was found not guilty by reason of temporary insanity, but her action 20 years ago has Trish Conlon fearing the safety of her two teenage sons today. Conlon is the ex-wife of former Marine fighter pilot Lt. Col. John P. Cushing Jr., who was married to Kristine Cushing when she killed their daughters — and who is remarried to her today.  http://www.today.com/id/43984225/ns/today-today_news/t/her-kids-are-woman-who-killed-her-own-children/#

An idiot is born every minute.  Now we know why the psychopath Kristine picked John in the first place.  Everyone involved in the original temporary insanity ruling should be evaluated as possible co-psychopaths (psychopaths do run in gangs (a frequent search that finds my blog) and do protect their own), including the judge, the prosecutor, the psychiatrists, etc.

The 5 Bad Boy Traits Nice Guys Should Adopt

1) Master The Art Of Indifference

2) Put Yourself First

3) Remember Asshole Humor

4. The Art Of Hanging Up

5) The Ability To Have Animalistic Sex


The classic ‘bad boy’ is the psychopath.  Most of the traits listed above are excelled in by psychopaths.  In terms of sex, since there is no emotional element to the sex, they need to spice it up any way they can, friction gets boring real fast.  As emotional as a block of wood, their involvement with a lover is as deep as one with another block of wood.

Sperm donor shenanigans

Sperm Donor Who Fathered 14 Children Says He’s A Virgin and “Donorsexual”

Drummond: Fremont sperm donor in feds cross hairs

University investigates Utah clinic’s sperm mix-up

Sperm donor who has fathered 49 children arrested over sex assaults after complaints from women who wanted help to get pregnant

These couples and ladies should worry about psychopath DNA.

In Small Towns, Gossip Moves to the Web, and Turns Vicious

MOUNTAIN GROVE, Mo. — In the small towns nestled throughout the Ozarks, people like to say that everybody knows everybody’s business — and if they do not, they feel free to offer an educated guess.

. . .

But of late, more people in this hardscrabble town of 5,000 have shifted from sharing the latest news and rumors over eggs and coffee to the Mountain Grove Forum on a social media Web site called Topix, where they write and read startlingly negative posts, all cloaked in anonymity, about one another.

And in Dee’s Place, people are not happy. A waitress, Pheobe Best, said that the site had provoked fights and caused divorces. The diner’s owner, Jim Deverell, called Topix a “cesspool of character assassination.” And hearing the conversation, Shane James, the cook, wandered out of the kitchen tense with anger.

His wife, Jennifer, had been the target in a post titled “freak,” he said, which described the mother of two as, among other things, “a methed-out, doped-out whore with AIDS.” Not a word was true, Mr. and Ms. James said, but the consequences were real enough.

Friends and relatives stopped speaking to them. Trips to the grocery store brought a crushing barrage of knowing glances. She wept constantly and even considered suicide. Now, the couple has resolved to move.

I’ll never come back to this town again,” Ms. James said in an interview at the diner. “I just want to get the hell away from here.”

I sense a psychopath at the center of this web.

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