
Posts Tagged ‘psychopath’


Kent A. Kiehl and Morris B. Hoffman

[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4059069/, extracts from above follow. ]



The manuscript surveys the history of psychopathic personality, from its origins in psychiatric folklore to its modern assessment in the forensic arena. Individuals with psychopathic personality, or psychopaths, have a disproportionate impact on the criminal justice system. Psychopaths are twenty to twenty-five times more likely than non-psychopaths to be in prison, four to eight times more likely to violently recidivate compared to non-psychopaths, and are resistant to most forms of treatment. This article presents the most current clinical efforts and neuroscience research in the field of psychopathy. Given psychopathy’s enormous impact on society in general and on the criminal justice system in particular, there are significant benefits to increasing awareness of the condition. This review also highlights a recent, compelling and cost-effective treatment program that has shown a significant reduction in violent recidivism in youth on a putative trajectory to psychopathic personality.

Psychopaths consume an astonishingly disproportionate amount of criminal justice resources. The label psychopath is often used loosely by a variety of participants in the system—police, victims, prosecutors, judges, probation officers, parole and prison officials, even defense lawyers—as a kind of lay synonym for incorrigible. Law and psychiatry, even at the zenith of their rehabilitative optimism, both viewed psychopaths as a kind of exception that proved the rehabilitative rule. Psychopaths composed that small but embarrassing cohort whose very resistance to all manner of treatment seemed to be its defining characteristic.

Psychopathy is a constellation of psychological symptoms that typically emerges early in childhood and affects all aspects of a sufferer’s life including relationships with family, friends, work, and school. The symptoms of psychopathy include shallow affect, lack of empathy, guilt and remorse, irresponsibility, and impulsivity (see Table 1 for a complete list of psychopathic symptoms).  [ .  .  .  . ] 

Table 1

The 20 Items Listed on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (Hare 1991; 2003)

The items corresponding to the early two-factor conceptualization of psychopathy,89 subsequent three-factor model,90 and current four-factor model are listed.91 The two-factor model labels are Interpersonal-Affective (Factor 1) and Social Deviance (Factor 2); the three-factor model labels are Arrogant and Deceitful Interpersonal Style (Factor 1); Deficient Affective Experience (Factor 2), and Impulsive and Irresponsible Behavioral Style (Factor 3); the four-factor model labels are Interpersonal (Factor 1), Affective (Factor 2), Lifestyle (Factor 3), and Antisocial (Factor 4). Items indicated with “–” did not load on any factor.

  Item 2 Factor Model 3 Factor 4 Factor
1 Glibness-Superficial Charm 1 1 1
2 Grandiose Sense of Self Worth 1 1 1
3 Need for Stimulation 2 3 3
4 Pathological Lying 1 1 1
5 Conning-Manipulative 1 1 1
6 Lack of Remorse or Guilt 1 2 2
7 Shallow Affect 1 2 2
8 Callous-Lack of Empathy 1 2 2
9 Parasitic Lifestyle 2 3 3
10 Poor Behavioral Controls 2 4
11 Promiscuous Sexual Behavior
12 Early Behavioral Problems 2 4
13 Lack of Realistic, Long-Term Goals 2 3 3
14 Impulsivity 2 3 3
15 Irresponsibility 2 3 3
16 Failure to Accept Responsibility 1 2 2
17 Many Marital Relationships
18 Juvenile Delinquency 2 4
19 Revocation of Conditional Release 2 4
20 Criminal Versatility 4

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Psychopathy is astonishingly common as mental disorders go. It is twice as common as schizophrenia, anorexia, bipolar disorder, and paranoia,5 and roughly as common as bulimia, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, and narcissism.6 Indeed, the only mental disorders significantly more common than psychopathy are those related to drug and alcohol abuse or dependence, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

[. . . .]


A. Emptied Souls

The idea that some humans are inherent free riders without moral scruple seems to have become controversial only in the postmodern era, when it has become fashionable to deny that any of us have a “nature” at all. For as long as humans have roamed the Earth, we have noticed that there are people who seem to be what psychiatrist Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig called “emptied souls.”17 One of Aristotle’s students, Theophrastus, was probably the first to write about them, calling them “the unscrupulous.”18 These are people who lack the ordinary connections that bind us all and lack the inhibitions that those connections impose. They are, to over simplify, people without empathy or conscience.

Psychopathy has always been part of human society; that is evident from its ubiquity in history’s myths and literature.19 Greek and Roman mythology is strewn with psychopaths, Medea being the most obvious.20 Psychopaths populate the Bible, at least the Old Testament, perhaps beginning with Cain. Psychopaths have appeared in a steady stream of literature from all cultures since humans first put pen to paper: from King Shahyar in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights;21 to the psychopaths in Shakespeare, including Richard III and, perhaps most chillingly, Aaron the Moor in Titus Andronicus; to the villain Ximen Qing in the 17th century Chinese epic Jin Ping Mei, The Golden Vase.22 More recent sightings in film and literature include Macheath, from Berthold Brecht’s Three Penny Opera, Alex DeLarge in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, and Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs.23

No cultures, or stations, are immune. One of the modern fathers of the clinical study of psychopathy, Hervey Cleckley, famously opined that the Athenian general Alcibiades was probably a psychopath.24 And of course there was the Roman emperor Caligula. But psychopaths much more typically come from the ranks of the ordinary. Cleckley wrote extensively about ordinary patients he classified as having severe forms of psychopathy and whom he opined were almost all “plainly unsuited for life in any community; some are as thoroughly incapacitated, in my opinion, as most patients with unmistakable schizophrenic psychosis.”25 But he also examined patients who were highly functioning businessmen—men of the world as he put it—scientists, physicians and even psychiatrists. These people were able to navigate the demands of modern society, despite having the same clinical constellations as their less-functioning brethren, including grandiosity, impulsivity, remorselessness and shallow affect. These functioning psychopaths have become the objects of much recent attention.26

Although in this article we will focus on research efforts in the U.S. and Canada, psychopathy is a worldwide problem. In 1995, NATO commissioned an Advanced Study Institute on Psychopathic Behavior, the scientific director of which was Robert Hare, whose seminal clinical assessment instrument is discussed in detail in Part II below.27 One of the important collections on psychopathy, cited throughout this article, was the product of a 1999 meeting held under the auspices of the Queen of Spain and her Center for the Study of Violence.28 Also discussed below29 is the British practice of expressly addressing the problem of the psychopath in commitment statutes in ways that have been generally more aggressive, at least theoretically, than is done in North America.

Psychopaths also appear in existing preindustrial societies, suggesting they are not a cultural artifact of the demands of advancing civilization but have been with us since our emergence as a species. For example, the Yorubas, a tribe indigenous to southwestern Nigeria, call their psychopaths aranakan, which they describe as meaning “a person who always goes his own way regardless of others, who is uncooperative, full of malice, and bullheaded.”30 Inuits have a word, kunlangeta, that they use to describe someone whose “mind knows what to do but he does not do it,” and who repeatedly lies, steals, cheats, and rapes.31

While the capacity to identify with the thoughts and feelings of fellow human beings undoubtedly has innumerable cultural variations, it is beginning to be clear that evolution has built into the human brain a central core of moral reasoning that is more or less universal.32 It is that central core that is missing in psychopaths.

[. . . .]


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Go truckers!! [March 4, 2022]


Bodily self-autonomy is unalienable and absolute (“endowed by our Creator”).
FEB 12, 2022 11:57

Fauci lacks all parenting instincts [in regard to psychological damage to toddlers from mask wearing].  He’s a half-lizard-brained sub-humanoid — a psychopath.  Walensky is a globalist supremacist.  Progressives are only too happy to turn off their common sense, their instincts, their emotions ‘if science tells them to’ — proving their intellectual superiority.  Narcissists always prefer sterile reason over messy instincts and emotions.

NOV 09, 2021 8:01


Not so.  Bioweapons are always made with antidotes. Try nac, bifido yogurts, nisin related probiotic (lactococcus, streptococcus strains) kefirs. Zelenko protocol.  The target is the spike protein in both covid and the vaxx.  The vaxx is simply another delivery method for the spike protein poison (salk.edu), plus mystery ingredients.

NOV 09, 2021 7:51


NOV 09, 2021 7:40


Multiple layers of slavery.  Obvious surface level, boosters every six months to reachieve full vaccination.  Passport becomes chip for efficiency.  No freedom, no groceries, car won’t start without booster update.

Next level, combination with Chinese style social credit system.

Next level, there are indications that vax poison may disable immune system so jabbed may become dependent on the boosters.

Next level, secet biomed capabilities/biochemical design (since they won’t tell us the contents for 75 years) of vax become apparent rendering the jabbed . . .  (we don’t know yet).

NOV 06, 2021 2:56


I used to walk home very late some time back.  A number of times i’d see unmarked police taxis ferrying prostitutes between the precinct house and the ‘official’ local brothel.

JAN 04, 2021 10:17


There are those without souls, conscience or guilt, the psychopaths.  The Golem servants of the elite.  They do recognize each other and form a community.  They may actually form a Borg — “Aspens connected at the roots.”  https://pathwhisperer.info/2015/05/04/pando-and-scooter-libbys-private-message-transmitted-publicly-to-judith-miller/  Beings of the Green Beard Trait.  https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/10/30/psychopathic-archetypes/

DEC 21, 2020 8:53


We are all pawns to Cuomo, he’s a psychopath, look at his eyes.  Old folks’ deaths were simply part of the emotional terrorizing.  I’m serious, he’s a monster.  De Blasio is just an evil dogooder.  In his eyes i’m sure he’s perfect, but look at his enjoyment at causing economic destruction.

DEC 10, 2020 12:07


The Bidens are a genetic grifter family (so many of Joe’s oddities can be understood as psychopathic arrested development traits (around age 6-7)).  Hunter is also a psychopath.  They cannot be allowed anywhere near the White House.

. . . .

If Biden were an emotionless, emotion miming alien pod person who developed in his basement and then took over the real Joe’s life, then obviously the military would be entitled (and obligated) to take matters into their own hands.  Same if an alien cockroach had eaten his brains, staying in his skull and manipulating all nerve endings and muscle twitches.  So why not against a genetic “nonhuman human . . . a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly” (Cleckley)?  https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/10/07/human-eyes-psychopathic-eyes/

DEC 04, 2020 12:11


His [Sorkin] arrogance is so off the scale that I argue that he is a genetic psychopath.  Plus his slimy, seemingly dishonest strawman attack strategies.  On psychopathic traits he is way up there.  https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/07/10/if-psychopathic-eyes-dont-exist-why-did-andrew-ross-sorkin-fix-his/

I’ve noticed that psychopaths are nearly 100% behind the vaxx, the covid lockdowns (with their economic destruction of small businesses, the middle and working classes), the worthless masks, and the misuse of the term ‘science’ to shut down argument (the “scientific method’ welcomes all comers, all attacks).

NOV 19, 2020 1:39


Personally, I believe Cuomo is a genetic psychopath.  He’s got the arrogance, the ego, the eyes.  I also think he should be arrested for the old folk homes’ deaths.  https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/09/06/anyone-with-fotis-dulos-eyes-is-a-psychopath-its-that-simple/

NOV 01, 2020 8:11


They [progressive Dems] also have to believe that the “authorities” are good, moral human beings — otherwise they couldn’t belive in big government.   (I used to be one of them and understand them thoroughly, imo.)

NOV 01, 2020 8:05


The way i look at it most liberals/progressives are simply useful fools for the psychopathic and the corrupt.  They cant really believe psychopaths exist because they have to think everyone is “naturally good.”

NOV 01, 2020 7:44


It’s worse than you think.  The plandemic involves multiple psychopaths pushing the scam for their own protection.  Among the genetic psychopaths are Cuomo, Biden (w/ son), Fauci and Birx (for me, she’s a maybe), Gupta, Sciutto, and many others.

Dr. Birx lost me when she said to avoid supermarkets.  Avoid supermarkets?!  What about their employees?  Are they sacrificial lambs, should they just jump into volcanoes and have done with it?  I started asking around, never found any markets (or drugstores) which had employees getting sick.  And then when they started telling us to take off our masks with our pinkies as though the mask face was contaminated with Ebola — ha, ha, ha.  Psychopaths, being little children mentally, never know when enough is enough.  If covid is so dangerous you can’t protect yourself, then there is no reason to try, let fate take its course.  Fauci and Birx are stupid liars, imo, and need to prove they aren’t psychopaths, if they can.

OCT 23, 2020 6:09


Psychopaths actually are strangely “organized”.  Its a green beard trait for the greater good of psychopaths.  They favor each other even over their genetic relatives.    https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/10/10/pw-goes-all-in-psychopathy-as-a-green-beard-trait/

OCT 23, 2020 5:43


Many people want Trump to be the psychopath, but please note that when US mil/intel wanted Trump to bomb Syria in response to the fake gassing (the “rescuers” were using hoses and their bare hands) they elicited his sympathy for the child “victims”.  The Bidens however are a genetic grifter crime family.

OCT 23, 2020 5:36


Brain scans should show different emotional effects from photo to photo in response to photos of a mother holding a dead son, dust bunnies, a boy saving his dog from a flood, paper clips.  For Joe Biden and Hunter I’m sure they don’t.  https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/06/09/to-swing-the-military-back-into-line-trump-should-immediately-order-that-all-active-generals-be-tested-for-psychopathy/


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Hey folks, it’s a cookbook.

TWILIGHT ZONE : To Serve Man - The Original Ending

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Donald Rumsfeld passed away on June 29, 2021.

Rumsfeld: “The only things that are lasting are conflict, blackmail, and killing.” Psychopaths and blackmail, they go together like ham and eggs.

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“The useful idiots can’t understand the word “sociopath.” It’s not name-calling. It’s simply their actions don’t match their words. The 96% vastly out-number the 4% who are sociopaths, but since the word isn’t written on their forehead, the good people who don’t understand the word “sociopath” have no self-defense.  4% of 330 million is a little over 13 million. That’s a lot of people who have no empathy nor a conscience. Wise up and defend yourselves by not doing business with sociopaths.

PW:  The four percent, I believe, comes from Martha Stout’s cited researchers, Are we living through an unrecognized double black swan event?  I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it was even higher.

I’ve practically given up on the useful idiot humanoids.  I came across this free use of the word humanoid not long ago and have adopted it for both descriptive and pejorative uses (after all native speakers can’t make a mistake).  Thus psychopaths could be termed psychopathic humanoids, pod people humanoids, reptiloid humanoids, rapetiloid humanoids, lizard lothario h’noids, don iquana h’noids, Rosemary’s Baby Daddy h’noids, decepticon h’noids, etc.  The sky and imagination and desired focus are the limit.  

The Eloi become the useful idiot humanoids, the plant eater humanoids,  the amoeba humanoids, the retardus Americanus humanoids who can’t even protect their own daughters from perv doctors, the see no evil humanoids, etc., etc.  https://pathwhisperer.info/2020/01/23/adelphoparasites-reptiloids-romeo-lizards-etc/

Every adult should know that they have almost certainly known dozens of psychopaths and probably deal with them every day.  Psychological warfare, on a person to person level, is their bread and butter.”

Some people might object to the word ‘rapetiloid’ above.  By statutory law, yes what male psychopaths do is seduction.  However by natural law (and I would never expect any psychopath to understand the concept of natural law) what they commit is at a minimum mind rape under false pretenses, there is absolutely no soul celebration taking place.  No more than if they were alien illusionists seeking Earth girls who were vulnerable and easy.  Under natural law the psychopathic seducer could be justifiably killed by a father, brother or the seducee herself.  Of course the seducee might respond by “Oh, I can’t stay angry at him, he’s just a little boy.’

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Ha!  Others are looking for explanations too.  Mostly in the conservative/alt-right blogs and forums (‘alt-right’ – is that still acceptable, or has the term been weaponized?  Not that I care actually.).  They sense something is seriously wrong – I see words like hominoids, subspecies, hominids.  The terms aren’t used scientifically but as thinking/searching mechanisms.  I just came across adelphoparasite, alluding to psychopaths.  Wow!  I went back to copy the original post, but it had been deleted by the forum/software.  What’s an adelphoparasite?

“Maybe you prefer hyperparasitoids: these are parasitoids of other parasitoids. But the most bizarre of all must be adelphoparasitoids. These are found in the family Aphelinidae. The females are “normal” parasitoids of whiteflies or scale insects. The males, on the other hand, are hyperparasitoids and their hosts are females of their own species!”https://u.osu.edu/pinningblock/tag/adelphoparasitoids/

Male psychopaths are the most amazing individuals in the world, parasitizing normal human females, while female psychopaths are simply hustlers (Slippery When Wet (Agelika Graswald, kayak killer), Ex-Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes – Sociopath?).

adelphoparasite A parasite (see PARASITISM) that has as its host a species closely related to itself, often within the same family or genus.” https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/adelphoparasite

Left or liberal/progressive blogs are totally useless on this count.  Their prescription is to say, ‘can’t we sing Kumbaya in even tighter harmonies?’  or to whine, ‘why, oh why, can’t everybody see we are more alike than unalike’.  They just don’t get it.  Useful fools, useful tools.

I’ve been thinking that the term psychopathy just doesn’t seem to be working.  I don’t think most people believe in it.  I’ve been wondering about other terms, such as reptiloid, romeo lizard, rapetiloid, even researched the term, lizard people, to see if it referred to psychopaths (the answer is sometimes).  (If I refer to reptilian traits of psychopaths I am simply using the term descriptively to refer to their non emotionality.  Others mean it literally.)  I’ve also thought of Rosemary’s baby daddies, which is what they really are.  Then there’s the term Minus Man from the movie of the same name.  The search continues, for something more emotive and factually descriptive.

How about human humanoids and psychopathic humanoids?

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That’s his psychopathic emotional arrested development age.

I’ve always thought that Rod walked and stood with a childish awkwardness.  When considering possible psychopathy, one should notice close to everything.

Background:  Man Shocks America With Unblinking Eyes.  This article closed with:

We know from the discourse around disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes that not blinking doesn’t necessarily indicate anything about a person’s behavior — but the haunting image of his overall stillness was still a sight to behold.

You mean super psycho, probable pseudologue, Elizabeth Holmes?

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I’ve decided to take pics of annoying neighborhood psychopaths (or probable psychopaths).  The criteria could be almost anything.  1) I might find them annoying for no known reason, that’s good enough for me.  If my emotional reaction says they are annoying, I assume the cause just hasn’t reached my consciousness yet.  (I’m with those who say every psychological growth stage is still within our psyche and can be drawn on.  I urge everone to reintegrate with their 5/6 year old self who knew whom they liked or trusted).  2) It might seem to me that I run into them too often.  3)  It might seem that they keep showing up in too timely a manner as though checking up on my health after attacks.

Unfortunately this is a pic of a pic.  I do have him on higher quality video also.  Regarding the above I would say that he qualifies on all 3 categories above.

A nearby store has been the site of a number of anomalous occurrences (were they more than that?, you tell me).  I hesitate to discuss such matters, it seems to lose me visitors and commenters.  Oh, well.

I used to go to this store almost everyday for a coffee and a pastry.  One day there’s an individual, whom I had never seen before, in front of me at the self serve coffee machine.  Nothing unusual, except I really disliked him, for no known reason.  And then, he left the milk out for me — ah, a nice guy.  Then I see there’s only enough milk left in the carton for one cup of coffee.  That’s odd.  Then I see there’s another open milk container in the refridgerator section.  That’s very odd.  I’d never, ever seen two open cartons in this very small store at the same time.  Who wants a stinking coffee anyway?  Two anomalies are enough for me to alter my path.  There was also at least one more anomalous event concerning a cup of coffee there.

I also used to buy a particular chocolate bar almost everyday.  One day I went in and there were 7 – 8 individuals crowded around the cashier at the candy counter.  I had to sort of push through just barely able to reach the bars.  However somebody had conveniently left a bar sitting flat on top of all the others making it easier to grab, what a nice person.  So I grabbed it and left a dollar on the counter.  Then as I left with chocolate, I suddenly realized that all the people around the counter knew each other and were sort of moving in coordination (obviously I trust messages from my subconscious).  Plus the responses of the few that I had to squeeze by with ‘excuse me, excuse me,” seemed wrong to me.  One of the things that is impossible in this world is pretending not to know someone (it doesn’t matter if they pretend to ignore you or if they engage with you).  They recognized me.  Who wants a stinking chocolate?

The individual in the pic didn’t play a part in any of the above occurrences.  But he did play a peripheral part in another anomalous event.  I have to qualify this story as being from the ‘I’d never believe it, if it hadn’t happened to me’ file drawer.  There was another store where I would often buy a particular item.  One day as I approach the door I see the same neighborhood psychopath (or likely psychopath) chatting with a plain clothes policeman sitting on a milk crate pretending to be a homeless panhandler (recognizing undercover cops).  OK.  Then immediately inside the door there is a fake mentally ill homeless person wearing five or six shirts.  OK  How do I know he was fake, his ‘intent’ was all wrong.  Then I noticed that he actually wasn’t doing anything, just standing there.  So I went over to the proper shelf, and there was only one sample of the item available.  OK.  Then, in the line, the guy behind me struck up a small conversation — but he didn’t look at me as though I were a stranger.  OK.  Then as I walked from the front of the line to the cash register clerk, he suddenly said , ‘oops, he had forgotten his money and would have to come back’ and left the line.  OK.  However both he and the five shirt fake mentally ill person seemed to suddenly relax and almost smile at my making the purchase.  Hmm.  Then as I left the store I stepped around the corner of the building to make a cell phone call.  Then the fake homeless cop almost knocked me down tearing around the corner carrying his milk crate as though his shift was over.  Hmmm.  That’s too many anomalies for me, who wants this stinking item anyway?

The fake homeless cop (undercover cops use this ruse quite frequently) would be easy to ID.  He’s around 6′ 2 or 3″, ruddy complextion – would sun burn easily, 40s maybe, lanky physique but very muscular, tousled dirty blondish hair, 2 or 3 inches, toothy, rangey (if that means anything), etc.

Some might say all the above have credible reasons for happening as they happened and that I’m imagining things.  OK, maybe, but I don’t think so.  I say that the reason that I’m alive and Kathy Krajco, Linda Mealey and others are dead is that I read intent and they didn’t.  There are some 12 to 15 psychopathy truth martyrs as I look at it, a few had mysterious deaths, the others died from seemingly natural disease processes — but I wouldn’t bet money that that was true.

Another day I’m sitting in a local coffee shop.  I notice a psychopath I’d never seen in the neighborhood before in the ordering line.  However, he displayed no intent of actually desiring a coffee or a bagel, displayed no ‘yum, yum, yummy, I can’t wait for my bagel’ anticipation.  Further I suddenly realized (there I go again) that his intent was hostile and that I was his target.  He left before me.  As I left some 5, 10 minutes later, I see him walking at an angle to intercept me.  So I walk along and suddenly stop when we are about two feet apart and we stand there staring at each other.  That’s close enough so there are no secrets and it was obvious that this psychopath knew and hated me.  But I actually didn’t sense any intent of immediate harm.  I’ve noticed before that sometimes psychopaths like to ‘mark’ their targets.  The actual attack took place later that day.  In NYC there are often one/two story scaffolds up around buildings for building inspections.  The way they are built funnel pedestrians into two lanes and if there is a sidewalk cafe into one lane.  You could call it a double pinch point.  So I’m walking through such a double pinch point (across the street from the first cafe) and suddenly someone rushing by me brushes me physically in his hurry.  I’m thinking,’whoa, I guess he was in a hurry.’  Then, ‘wait a minute, that was with purposeful intent, he brushed against me purposely, what’s going on here?’  So I spun around and there’s a woman around six inches behind me, holding her purse up to her chest with one hand, while removing something from it with the other, while staring intently at what had been the back of my head.  She must have moved in close in coordination with the brush by, I was supposed to notice only the brush by.  Unfortunately I didn’t have the presence of mind to tackle her and empty her purse.  She snatched her hand out of her purse and just hurried away.  A fentynyl swab behind the ears (http://time.com/khaled-mashaal/)?  A psychotic anxiety level causing agent (i.e. to cause suicide)?  A prussic acid aerosol to cause a heart attack (or something more up to date)?  Who knows?

Anyway, the idividual pictured at the top has lately been looking at me like the cat that ate the canary, so I decided to write this down.


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This ad has only shown up three times over the years.  Usually too fast to be able to grab a screenshot.  There is simply no way this ad could be innocent.  Why would he brag about hacking Adwords?  For the same reason teenage psychopathic criminals film their rapes of school mates or beatings of homeless victims.  Psychopaths aren’t self referential (one of their arrested development traits), they need feedback from the outside world to assure themselves of the worth (or wickedness) of their deeds.  Plus what good is it to get over someone without letting them know.  Thus when he started giving an ex of mine tours of my apartment almost 20 years ago, he used to turn electronic devices on and off, it’s called gaslighting.  Solid proof to me, unbelievable to others (such as PAAs, police administrative assistants, who take complaints).  Often in gaslighting campaigns one isn’t really sure:  “Maybe I did leave those windshield wipers on”, etc.  But here components/devices were left on I hadn’t used in years.

The death threats started showing up during my NYPD FOIL application seeking details and source of a character assassination campaign against myself — I believe he is the source and his response supports that.  They’ve gone through various stages after I mentioned them in the same FOIL application, and in complaints to the CCRB, NYPD IAB, the AG’s office, in court filings and to an officer assigned to investigate the matter.  First the ads mostly featured guns and other weapons, then ‘dangerous looking’ flashlights (I’m not kidding, see below), then “Rest in Peace” ads, then ads featuring the words ‘dead’ or ‘kill’.  And every once in a while he brings old ones back.


This one was a ‘two-fer’, so are bodies.

The two ads above are curious.  For a while dry ads regarding Peyronie’s disease were showing up.  Then this one with the humorous graphics appeared.  What does it mean?  I don’t have Peyronie’s of course, I’m normal.  Oh wait, we are all normal to ourselves.  Maybe I should check.  Hey anybody have a Playboy and a Viagra?!  That’s the ticket!  This may be a serious matter however.  For framing purposes it helps to have distinguishing details such as birthmarks, moles, individual physical traits, etc.  There have already been a couple pick-up attempts by women I barely knew, within sight of their NYPD plainclothes handlers (I kid you not).  Will they be content with failure or will they cook up something?

(It should be noted that there was an extreme sexual charge between these ladies and their NYPD handlers.  So they were trying to please a lover.  They should sue the NYPD for rape.  Or advertise and make it a class action suit.  Of course at the time they wouldn’t have felt it was rape, but once slammed down for being of no use perhaps they changed their minds.  ‘Whatever it Takes’, ‘By any Means Necessary‘ are the mottos of psychopathic law enforcement units.  Sex means nothing more to them than taking an inflatable doll to bed or two people scratching each other behind their elbows simultaneously.  Of course I find it disquieting that by being friendly to me these ladies became prey for badged lizard Lotharios.

Psychopathic Don Juans are simply out of this world skillful, almost unbelievably so — emotional shapeshifters of quantum speed.  Perhaps they were coached by an Officer Eugene De P, if he is in fact an NYPD officer.  I was introduced to a Eugene DeP____ (De P__?) at a wedding between members of my ex’s therapy group (Nancy Becker, therapist) as I recall.  Also I was told privately that Gene had stated that he had come to therapy in order to stop living the womanizer life.  Ha, ha, ha.  Most likely, this psychopath was trying to understand his failures, join art to science, become an even more talented womanizer.  All psychopaths, no matter their intelligence, essentially live as strangers in a strange land, surrounded by others doing things for reasons they can’t understand.  So group therapy with normals could be very useful to them, but extremely dangerous to the normals.  Not being an insider I don’t know if Gene surreptitiously took over the group (as they often do places of work) but I believe Ms. Becker allowed him and probably other psychopathic clients to ruin the lives of clients.  I do have some memory of being told he was some kind of officer, perhaps it was NYPD.  The two NYPD Lotharios in question here, were one, a tall, 6′ 1″ or 2″ good looking Caucasian young man with solid brown hair, the other, a sort of roly poly individual in his forties, 5’ 8″to 10″ of Mediterranean complexion, both very arrogant.)

The appearance of this last ad was chilling.  It appeared on the evening of August 23, within an hour of my having bought an 4-pack of an identically packaged similar diet drink.  It would seem the murderous, psychopathic punk is stalking me.  I don’t understand why I can’t get protection from his Cape Fearing, cyber and otherwise.  This is a rogue, bad apple, criminal cop who should be arrested — for stalking, issuing death threats, trying to derail a FOIL and Art. 78 proceeding by same, investigated for possible attempted murder, and, though it may be hard to prove, for phone tapping and black bag entry for purposes of providing info/entertainment to an ex.

This one was even more chilling.  

It appeared the day after I had gone to a 24 hour flat fix joint late at night after finding a screw in my tire tread.  What does this ad mean?  That he was following/stalking me?  That he had placed that screw there (again) and was laughing at me because I couldn’t prove anything (https://pathwhisperer.info/2014/09/09/is-there-a-training-day-crew-in-the-nypd-and-are-they-targetting-me/)?  It has since appeared five or six more times.

Of course it’s another ‘two-fer’, he’s also calling me a slime.

For a brief period in May I was shadowed by a particular unmarked police car while dog walking.  Sometimes the occupant would even wave from close behind his illegally dark front window.  I could see his waving hand and arm, but nothing else of him.  He had parallel parked his car in a tight parking space.  I considered his action then, and consider it so now, to be a threat of imminent attack.  For awhile similar police cars also had illegally dark license plate covers in addition to the illegally dark front window, but the Village Voice’s Nick Pinto seems to have put an end to that. This car had plate number NYS EGR 6154, I believe, a smallish red Chevy, probably an Impala.  Perhaps this is my perp.

UPDATE, Oct. 9, 2017:  My mother and sister report that they have been receiving numerous hang up calls.  It should be noted that they no longer live at home due to a serious fire.

UPDATE, Oct. 25,2017:  He’s baaa-aaack!

This is a message from a psychopathic NYPD cop.  I don’t understand why I am not being protected from him.  Normal police officers, with normal human brains, you owe him no loyalty.  Psychopathic brains differ from ours.

If anyone in the NYPD, Internal Affairs, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, or the AG’s office is seeking to identity him, the closest I can come is Klaus Kinski’s photo below.  He had the same haircut, same color, the times I saw him from 1995 through spring, 2016, but with weirder eyes.  Do the equivalent of photo yearbooks exist?  Plus, do officers have to register non-NYPD supplied firearms?

This add showed up within days of my filing a second Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request of the NYPD.  It’s obvious that he has something to hide (he followed similar timing before).  He should be arrested immediately for attempting to derail the FOIL process through threatening murder (which I personally believe he is quite capable of attempting).

[Private:  To the third party psychopath, why involve yourself?  What would it gain you?  Or was that you, ‘Klaus’, threatening an uninvolved individual?]

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“Have you ever, as a child, been accused of something you didn’t do, either by your parents, teachers or other “authorities?” And if so, were you punished unfairly for something you didn’t do? Do you remember how it felt?

“As you remember, can you feel the frustration, the helpless anger and resentment that you told the truth and no one believed you? YOU know what you did or did not do, and no one can take that away from you. But they have taken away from you the right for that truth to be known by others. And someone else has taken away THEIR right to know the truth. You have been slandered and punished, and there is NO WAY you can ever prove that it was wrong and unjust, and all the other people will have a “history” of you that is false. In fact, this knowledge that others will have false memories of you, will have false ideas about what you did until they die, hurts almost worse than the punishment. What is more, in a vague way, you can perceive that those who believe the lie have been deprived of something valuable about you: the truth that you did not do what you were accused of doing, and that you did tell the truth. A barrier has been erected between you and the others—the barrier of a lie.” Laura Knight-Jadczyk https://salemwitchhunt.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/falsely-accused/

The shock isn’t really the lie of the psychopath (or of the gangstalking psychopaths and their flying monkeys) but the believing by the others.  “Why should you have believed them, no matter what they said?”

Related posts:  https://pathwhisperer.info/2012/03/11/from-country-of-liars-character-assassination/, https://pathwhisperer.info/2014/10/22/psychopathic-character-assassination-and-murder-by-suicide-as-depicted-in-orwells-burmese-days/.

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