
Posts Tagged ‘Vaccine’

https://gogetfunding.com/why-is-the-world-so-crazy (same text plus pic of yours truly )

Welcome. If you think the world has gone crazy, you are at the right spot. I believe I know exactly what is wrong (well, at least to 80-85%). Psychopaths believe they are in ascendancy. Though this may be hard to believe, they are an intermarrying, con artist, cheater strategist, intraspecies predator human alternate, loyal only to each other. https://pathwhisperer.info/2015/11/18/post-redux-a…

They even push biological male psychopaths into female sports, having no innate sense of gender, plus no honor, real pride or shame. For them it’s all about possessing the trophy, justly earning the trophies is meaningless. https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/06/24/nutters-in-c…

Moreover, I believe the psychopath nation is 1), united behind the notavaccine for neurotypicals (that’s us, those with empathy). It seems this is a matter of existential importance to them — will the genetic engineering/ long covid brain damage help keep them hidden? They are truly desperate. 2), united behind open borders and the extinction of America as a nation (I believe Mayorkas is himself a psychopath). 3), united behind the WEF New World Order. Seeing us as prawns, I mean pawns, they eagerly await WEF’s soulless and godless Yuval Harari’s ‘human hacking’ of ‘useless eaters’ and Klaus Schwab’s neoslavery (‘You will own nothing and be happy’). 4), their hatred of Trump knows no bounds, I assume due to his MAGA anti globalism.

Make no mistake about it, they want to want to cripple us (or worse ) with the notavaccine. As do the WEF elite. Covid, the spike protein and the mRNA vaxx are the greatest crime/evil in the history of the world.

Please help me spread the truth plus search for the best way to recognize psychopaths. Brain scans, both structural and functional, will do it. But we need a genetic test. If freed by donations to spend the time I believe I can find this information. Most psychopathy researchers are themselves psychopathic, imo, making this search more difficult.

I have written a blog on psychopaths since 2008. I want to take it to the next level. I need your help. Thank you for your time. Bitcoin top right, credit cards bottom right.

If interested:



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Dr. Yuval Noah Harari Credit: Daniel Naber – Wikipedia: Yuval_Noah_Harari.jpg, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=71405651

Humans are now “hackable animals” according to an advisor of Klaus Schwab, who issued the chilling warning that humans no longer possess “free will” and are set to be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates.

[Israeli] Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, an official WEF contributor, was recorded delivering a speech in which he explains what Klaus Schwab means when he says “it’s you who are changed.”

According to Dr. Harari, Schwab is referring to humanity and the sudden evolution that the elites have in store for the rest olf us. “In the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to [hack millions of people], but nobody understood biology well enough,” Harari says at the start of the video.

“And nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it. But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people,” he goes on to say, before dropping a chilling threat:

We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls. We are now hackable animals.”

But Dr. Harari says this merger of human life with technology will not benefit the average man or woman so that he or she may improve his or her own future, but that a handful of “elites” will not only “build digital dictatorships” for themselves but “gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”

If elites are successful in re-engineering humanity, it will have to be decided whether the data of our DNA, brain, body, and life “belong[s] to me, or to some corporation, or to the government, or, perhaps, to the human collective.”

Of course, Bill Gates is involved.

Harari says that cloud technology, such as IBM or Gates’s Microsoft platform, will be one of the “driving forces” of this evolution.

Humans are now hackable animals,” says Dr. Harari at another point in the video. “The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that’s over.”

“Free will, that’s over,” he emphasizes.

Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale,” Harari goes on to say, adding, “Everything is being digitalized. Everything is being monitored.”

“In this time of crisis, you have to follow science,” Dr. Harari argues. “It’s often said that you should never allow a good crisis to go to waste, because a [COVID] crisis is an opportunity to also do good reforms that in normal times people will never agree to. But in a crisis you see we have no chance, so let’s do it.”

Here’s a newsflash for Klaus Schwab and Dr. Harari and the entire WEF:  We are onto you. If you think we “non-elites” will lay down and let us this happen, you are very much mistaken.

[JGH:]  While they are not specifying how they can hack humans, is is most likely through the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines”. So if you took it, you’re screwed!  [PW:  this can’t be true or the evil doers wouldn’t care so much about the reinjections.]  As for the fact that they are calling humans, “animals”, there is nothing new here under the Sun.   [. . . .]  “We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls.”



What do you think the vaxx with its mystery ingredients is?

From my https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/02/06/onward-christian-soldiers/:
I believe the vaxx is the greatest evil ever loosed upon the world. The aim is world domination by the globalist elite (with an accent on the Talmudist supremacist faction plus their psychopathic Golem helpers, such as Fauci). See Event 201, the October 2019 corona virus wargames sponsored by Bloomberg Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

However the path to the Great Reset NWO dictatorship would entail the destruction of Christendom. Good luck with that.

It’s worth noting that the pic above is from a WEF site.  My response to his statement would be, ‘Sure, that makes sense, particularly if it’s your plandemic.’  These idiots have forgotten that while they may have a right to lie, they have no right to be believed.

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Dr. Zelenko:

We should denounce the worship of false gods, the gods of technology, the gods of science, the gods of corrupt governments, of money, power, fame, and we should reconcile our hearts with our Creator who is making us anew, every instant in time.

The world has now chosen sides. Those that will worship the machinations of man and those that will bow down to the Creator.

So let the culling begin.

The world needs a cleaning. And when the process is done, the world will be filled with the knowledge of God, just like the waters cover the seas.

And the sociopaths, they have a big thing coming for them. They think they are gods, they think that they’re ruling the world.

We’ll see.

So let the games begin. And I have no problem falling in battle. This is a hill that we need to die on, die for.

Because, otherwise, our progeny will have nowhere to breathe free.

Rest in peace, Dr. Zelenko.  Condolences to your wife and children.


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Dr. Zelenko has saved thousands of lives through his Z-Stack protocol and has recently launched Z-DTox, which he advises will help prevent blood clots and help protect those with a compromised immune system, including those who have been vaccinated.

“This is not insanity; this is choreographed. It’s insanity from the person’s perspective to agree to [more shots], but it’s not insanity from the government forces because it’s the whole goal of what they’re doing. They’re accomplishing exactly what they want to accomplish.” – Dr. Zelenko

. . . . .

Dr. Zelenko: The innate immune system that T cell immunity is actually destroyed by these vaccines. It destroys your T cell function, natural killer cell function, and also suppresses tumor suppressor genes, like taking the brakes off cancer. And so in the two parts of the immune system, which are different, one is upregulated, the other is downregulated. So it’s really creates a immune system dysregulation. Or another way of saying it, it’s an acquired, because wasn’t there before, so it was acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

So it’s a vaccine-induced AIDS. Before most people, I’ve done this many times. So most people AIDS = HIV is crazy. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus, true. It actually destroys the immune system and causes a syndrome called AIDS. But that’s not the only thing that destroys the immune system and causes a syndrome called AIDS. It turns out, there are dozens of peer-reviewed papers that attest to what I’m saying that these vaccines, especially people, seems to be dose related that had multiple injections destroy their immune system.

. . . . .

That’s why the funeral directors in Israel, you won’t hear this from the government, saying that they’re overrun, that they’re seeing a 10x or 1,000% increase in death, especially in young people. And it’s so much so that they’re, they don’t have the resources to bury everyone properly. And the official narrative is that people are dying from Omicron. Really? Why is it only Israelis die from Omicron? In South Africa, where it came from, no one died. The doctors were able to treat it. In the United States, no one died, my practice for sure. And there’s a reason why that Omicron, by the way, is much more infectious than even measles. But it doesn’t affect the lower airway in most cases, it affects the upper airway, much less dangerous, causes a bad cold, or maybe a flu like syndrome. But it doesn’t kill you. Why are Israelis dying of Omicron? And they are.

Maria Zeee: Because they are highly, highly injected population whose immune systems have now completely been destroyed, and they can’t handle something as mild as Omicron anymore.

 Zelenko: So around 50% of the Israeli population has AIDS. Israel is the number one country in the world that has four shots, three shots, not sure about two shots but about that, right? So why is the most immunized country in the world experiencing the worst death rates? And why would getting more shots help?

You know, the definition of insanity, according to Einstein, do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. But this is not insanity. This is choreographed, it’s insanity from the patient’s, from the person’s perspective, to agree to it. But it’s not insanity from the government forces because that’s the whole goal of what they’re doing. They’re accomplishing exactly what they want to accomplish. And by the way, all those three things are the result of a human being, three things I mean, population control, slavery, and the changing of the genetic code is the result of a person choosing to be enslaved.


[As always, I am neither endorsing nor disendorsing this site.  I am endorsing the above discussion as being of value.  I do not believe it is disinfo, but will keep my eyes open, as always.]

Non supremacist Israelis, the deep state Zio-Talmudist vampires are drinking your blood.  Experimenting with your children.  STOP THEM!

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(Every Invasion of the Body Snatchers Movie)

Fight the Body Snatchers. Bodily self autonomy is inalienable and absolute. Boosters are slavery.

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Greek Orthodox Holy Men Sow Vaccine Mistrust by Calling It ‘Mark of the Antichrist’

A monastery in northern Greece where the abbot has instructed his disciples to “refuse to become a guinea pig” by taking a Covid vaccine

In a remote monastery in northern Greece, an Orthodox abbot delivers a blunt message to dozens of his maskless worshippers: Covid-19 vaccines are “the mark of the Antichrist”



I believe the vaxx is the greatest evil ever loosed upon the world. The aim is world domination by the globalist elite (with an accent on the Talmudist supremacist faction plus their psychopathic Golem helpers, such as Fauci). See Event 201, the October 2019 corona virus wargames sponsored by Bloomberg Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

However the path to the Great Reset NWO dictatorship would entail the destruction of Christendom. Good luck with that.

I’ll be posting links to the Christian response. Usually without comment. We are up against the wall, folks.

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I mean, you’ve got a lot to lose. Mums the word for people with secrets. Why are psychopaths so worried that not everyone is taking it?

Arnold Schwarzenegger to anti-maskers: “Screw your freedom … you’re a schmuck”

What a meshuganah.

Say, maybe you could resolve something for me. I’ve always wondered about your breakfast meeting with Gray Davis after you defeated him in the Calif gov election. Does something happen when you get within a few feet of each other? Vulcan mind meld? Borg unity orgasm? Wonder if Maria Shriver noticed anything.

Here’s another one, I understand that a day or two after Joe Scarborough’s intern, Lori Klausutis, was found dead with her skull bashed in, that Joe and her husband shared a plane ride side by side. Unfortunately I can’t indepently confirm this. My source is a citizen investigator at The Democratic Underground who collected every news item on the story he could find. Hmm.

Oh, Mika, you’re unhappy. Don’t worry ahead of time, hopefully he’ll still value you after the show is over. Say, your father was said to have received an earlier version of “Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes” by Andrew M. Lobaczewski (https://www.pilulerouge.com/product/pp/ ). Maybe you could check his effects?

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