
Posts Tagged ‘agent provocateur’

“Here’s a whole new twist on relationship fraud — police chiefs in the U.K. have admitted that undercover cops engaged in “abusive and manipulative” relationships with women involved in political organizations that they were assigned to spy on.”  http://www.lovefraud.com/2016/03/18/undercover-british-cops-deceived-women-they-spied-on-into-relationships/

POST REDUX:  Title:  psychopathic policing — any end justifies any means.  Subtitle: why do non-psychopaths officers obey psychopathic superiors?

“‘Undercover lays bare the deceit, betrayal and cold-blooded violation practised again and again by undercover police officers – troubling, timely and brilliantly executed.’ Henry Porter   . . .

The testimony of person after person who was taken in, deceived, gulled, who knew the officers for years – who thought of them as best friends, or lovers, or life partners, or the father of their children, who had no inkling that they were part of an elaborate state-sponsored spy-ring that intruded on the most intimate parts of their lives.'” (Carole Cadwalladr, Observer)


“What set the SDS [Special Demonstration Squad] apart was their core tactic: living the life of a protester. SDS operatives gave up their warrant cards (their police identity), changed their names, grew their hair, changed their appearances and sought to establish personal relationships with their targets. While many of us might accept that some level of subterfuge is necessary where the policing of very serious criminal activity is concerned, there is little in the Guardian journalists’ account of their activities to strike readers as even close to acceptable.

The nature and consequences of the deceptions perpetrated are truly frightening. Indeed, theSDS’s informal motto –- “By Any Means Necessary” -– seems all too close to the truth. Staggeringly, it seems to have been tacitly understood that undercover officers (usually male) should target female protesters and form close personal relationships with them. These relationships were by no means casual, in many cases becoming sufficiently serious and long-standing for the officer effectively to become the partner of the person concerned. As such, these were no ordinary betrayals; they were, as one of the women pithily put it, “about a fictional character who was created by the state and funded by taxpayers’ money”. Worse still, and at their most extreme, these relationships led to children being born.

The officers not only deceived the women they formed relationships with, but also went as far as to father children that they knew they would have to abandon when, eventually, they were required to return to other duties. In many cases there were two sets of women (and their children) being deceived at the same time: the activist and the agent’s existing wife or partner. Can anyone in the police service seriously have thought this was justifiable?  . . .

The human cost, too, was enormous, primarily falling on the women and children who found themselves caught up in these deceptions. But many officers paid a significant price too. Quite a number appear to have experienced significant mental health problems as a result of attempting to live two separate, but very different lives over many years.”


Where were the civilian authorities?  Where were the politician bosses?  This is rape but beyond rape, mind rape but beyond mind rape, it’s rape of a life.  The women thought they had found partners, husbands, love families — they thought they had found a life.  This kind of betrayal, deceit is acceptable in a democracy, in a country of laws?  Acceptable by normal, decent people?  Obviously not.

Of course, the non-psychopathic officers destroyed themselves psychologically.  There is no way they could handle that kind of guilt.  But why did they obey?

When it is said that full expression psychopaths are conscienceless and guiltless it isn’t hyperbole.  It is absolute – other humans are less than ants to them.  The  psychopathic commanders and officers described above should not be considered human and should be warehoused in mental hospitals for the remainder of their lives.

Title: psychopathic policing — any end justifies any means. Subtitle: why do non-psychopaths obey psychopathic superiors?

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Undercover lays bare the deceit, betrayal and cold-blooded violation practised again and again by undercover police officers – troubling, timely and brilliantly executed.’ Henry Porter   . . .

The testimony of person after person who was taken in, deceived, gulled, who knew the officers for years – who thought of them as best friends, or lovers, or life partners, or the father of their children, who had no inkling that they were part of an elaborate state-sponsored spy-ring that intruded on the most intimate parts of their lives.’ (Carole Cadwalladr, Observer)


What set the SDS apart was their core tactic: living the life of a protester. SDS operatives gave up their warrant cards (their police identity), changed their names, grew their hair, changed their appearances and sought to establish personal relationships with their targets. While many of us might accept that some level of subterfuge is necessary where the policing of very serious criminal activity is concerned, there is little in the Guardian journalists’ account of their activities to strike readers as even close to acceptable.

The nature and consequences of the deceptions perpetrated are truly frightening. Indeed, theSDS’s informal motto –- “By Any Means Necessary” -– seems all too close to the truth. Staggeringly, it seems to have been tacitly understood that undercover officers (usually male) should target female protesters and form close personal relationships with them. These relationships were by no means casual, in many cases becoming sufficiently serious and long-standing for the officer effectively to become the partner of the person concerned. As such, these were no ordinary betrayals; they were, as one of the women pithily put it, “about a fictional character who was created by the state and funded by taxpayers’ money”. Worse still, and at their most extreme, these relationships led to children being born.

The officers not only deceived the women they formed relationships with, but also went as far as to father children that they knew they would have to abandon when, eventually, they were required to return to other duties. In many cases there were two sets of women (and their children) being deceived at the same time: the activist and the agent’s existing wife or partner. Can anyone in the police service seriously have thought this was justifiable?  . . .

The human cost, too, was enormous, primarily falling on the women and children who found themselves caught up in these deceptions. But many officers paid a significant price too. Quite a number appear to have experienced significant mental health problems as a result of attempting to live two separate, but very different lives over many years.


Where were the civilian authorities?  Where were the politician bosses?  This is rape but beyond rape, mind rape but beyond mind rape, it’s life rape.   The women thought they had found partners, husbands, children — they thought they had found a life.  This kind of betrayal, deceit is acceptable in a democracy, in a country of laws?

Of course, the non-psychopathic officers destroyed themselves psychologically.  There is no way they could handle that kind of guilt.  But why obey?

When it is said that psychopaths are conscienceless and guiltless I hope this isn’t taken as hyperbole.  On this level, it is absolute.  The  psychopathic officers described above should not be considered human and should be warehoused in mental hospitals for the remainder of their lives.

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From Forum Post: Know you enemy – Bank Criminal Gangsters are Narcissists , posted by OccupyLink:

I prefer the term psychopath. We are not all one human family, we are not all brothers and sisters under the skin. Psychopaths have a different brain structure, they are human alternates.

. . . . . .

Narcissists are ill, psychopaths are true to their nature. Fighting crime, corruption and evil without reference to (and a separate response for) psychopaths is like fighting with both hands tied behind one’s back.

It’s not accidental that we are at this turn in history. We’ve been blind to the predators in our midst too long.

From 2008, but nothing’s changed: https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/2008/10/11/welcome-to-our-sociopaths-gone-wild-economy/ ; https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/2008/09/24/commonalities-between-wall-street-speculators-andor-fed-bankers-and-sociopaths/ . Far from being reined in, Wall St. sociopaths are even more in control.

Obviously individuals are punished for crimes not for what they are. Most psychopaths (but not all) are persuadable, concerning following laws and societal norms, through educated self interest or utilitarianism. But it is disastrous to ignore their presence.

. . . . . .

Wow! Is this a joke or are you for real? Assuming the latter, thanks for writing in and illustrating bankster criminal psychopathy.

Since you are into sharing, could you have your brain scanned and share the results with us?

I could tell you that the lowest IQ of a Wall Street trader would still be 50% higher than the average IQ of a OWS protester

That’s delusional, but I’ll humor you. Would that license you to frontrun the market?

Wall St./the financial services sector is just that, a service sector. If you look at a national economy as one business, it’s not even a profit center. But it has become parasitic on the larger (real) economy. Understanding this is probably beyond your limited intellectual capabilities.

You looters are destroying the world economy. Thanks for the depression you’ve given the U.S. and the world.

Obviously I am not the only one aware of the danger of sociopaths in the financial industry. From Forum Post: Occupy Psychopaths 1 (OWS vs. the Pathology of the 1%), (mine)

“An Occupy Wall Street Activist [a Mr. PinkWhiteBlack]  explains why he thinks its very important to spread knowledge about psychopaths and psychopathy. Find out about the important connection between psychopaths and the ruling 1%:

“So basically the reason I come down here every so often is that I’m trying to spread information about psychopathy. I think it has an over-arching impact on why people are down here camping out, and why the financial industry and the government really doesn’t care about the people anymore. These people are about 1-5% of the population and they have no concept of empathy, remorse, guilt, conscience – they’re just not biologically capable of it. They’ve shown this in fMRI studies and there’s been a lot of actual hard science that proves the point that their totally different from normal humans.””

. . . . . .


It’s more subtle than that [in reply to the comment that psychopaths are insane]. Psychopaths are clever chameleons, hiding their true nature. Technically they are not insane but true to their own nature.

. . . . . .


I believe we are misdiagnosing the sociopathy/psychopathy of the “1%” as steeming from some innate biology rather than modern socioeconomic structures.

I think it is both. If corporations are allowed the freedom to be sociopathic, sociopaths will and do rise to the top — they don’t have the “problem” of a conscience and the “friction” it induces. Our current socioeconomic structures draw them forward.

I have no idea what percentage of the 1% is in fact sociopathic, but even a limited number can act as a “bad seed” in influencing corruption.

Fighting crime, corruption and evil without any reference to sociopathy is like fighting with both hands tied behind one’s back. It seems we never make inroads on sex trafficking, child prostitution, illicit organ transplant rings, etc. Sociopaths laugh at our laws.

. . . . . .

From Forum Post: Ponerology 101 Snakes in Suits, posted by whatishumanity:


Wow, great to see this post. Lobaczewski’s (and others, it was a saga) “Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes” is one of the great books of history. It is a scientific study of the development of pathocracies (governments under the control of evil individuals and movements).

Selections and commentary on “Political Ponerology”: http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/political_ponerology_lobaczewski.htm,http://www.sott.net/articles/show/159686-In-Memoriam-Andrzej-M-obaczewski

Purchase the book: http://www.ponerology.com/

Hi whatishumanity, I notice the comments are all your own. The topic of psychopaths in control of power seems to be too big for most people to wrap their heads around. I’ve seen this many, many times.

. . . . . .

Blaming the victim is their specialty. They still want to blame unqualified buyers for the worldwide economic crash, these buyers weren’t even to blame for the mortgage meltdown. Mortgage backed securities were the cause, they supposedly freed the brokers from risk. The brokers then went out vacuuming up any buyers.

The crash has been caused by untramelled greed and the creation and fraudulent selling of “risk free” financial “products”, out of control derivatives, bubble economics, etc. — they actually thought they had beaten the business cycle and had created a risk free capitalism by securitizing everything and thus diluting the risk.

Nothing structural has changed since 2008. The banks are even more too big to fail, derivatives are even more out of control. We still have a casino economy designed by sociopaths who think they can’t lose.

In terms of people not realizing what they’re up against, everybody seems to think that sociopaths only fool the other guy, not them.

. . . . . .

From Forum Post: All activists should work at recognizing sociopaths (nowadays called anti-social personality disorder) (mine):

“[L]et me list some traits to keep in mind. Look for (in no particular order) any or all of the following: a Zelig like ability to be all things to all people, an incredible ability to inveigle themselves into the good graces of authority figures, individuals for whom the phrase two-sided is a vast underestimation, a delight in causing discord through subtle puppet mastery, a vast and deep irresponsibility, an “eggshell” type personality which is always threatening to respond in childish anger if thwarted, and as always both a deep arrogance with no discernible cause and an extreme talent at eliciting pity. Some of these insights may come in “a blinding flash” — you should pay attention to them. Of course some of these traits are not unique to sociopaths, however in sociopaths they have a “unique flavor” which I think will become evident after recognizing the first few sociopaths.” https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/2009/02/18/items-of-interest-some-recent-some-not-so-some-that-suggest-possible-sociopathy-some-that-scream-it/

If interested, further material of mine on the forum can be found through searching “site:http://occupywallst.org pathwhisperer”

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What a relief for him, he won’t have to go back to Pakistan and face murder charges.  Talk about incentives.

I visited the court for a day during the trial.  Shahed is certainly a psychopath, imo.  In addition, there were one or two jury members who made me very suspicious.  I would like to have been there during their voir dire.  I suspect the defense lost the case during jury selection.  Justice and truth are completely meaningless to sociopaths.  9 out of 10 times, they will side with power.  99 times out of 100, they will side with a fellow sociopath.

I found the jury’s behavior very odd. It took them almost two weeks to come to a conclusion that most such persuaded juries would have come to in a day or two.  Often the only overt sign of a sociopath/psychopath (the words are used as synonyms, I use “psychopath” when I want a pejorative punch) is the unlikelihood of an outcome.  For example, a young couple who invites (thinking it’s their idea) a sociopath to join them in bed and then spends the next month vomiting and crying over their choice which no longer makes any sense and which destroyed their relationship.  Or, a haberdashery clerk who comes up with the idea of giving a customer a blank check since the customer has mislaid his wallet.  Or, a cop who holds the ladder for a second story man who “lost his key”.  Sociopaths can be very good at what they do.  They’re that good because their brains are different.

I would suggest that the videotapes of Hussain be studied in psychology and criminal science classes — the ins and outs, the subterfuges, the slipperiness, the arrogance, the subtlety of the psychopathic mind.

Even the judge seemed to see through him:

Yes or no!” yelled U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon as informant Shahed Hussain began to unspool yet another long-winded answer to a direct question.”Mr. Hussain, I’m tired of you playing games with the questions.”   No games, judge tells informant in Newburgh 4 trial

The defense even rattled him and drew out the most amazing claims.  Informer in Bomb Plot Describes His Two Lives including his self-described friendship with and gifts from Benazir Bhutto.

[D]efense lawyer Susanne Brody asked him, “Would you agree that remaining in the United States is worth more than all the money you have been paid for your work as an informant?”

“Yes,” Hussain responded.  Defense Lawyers In Bronx Synagogue Terror Case Call FBI Informant a Lifelong Liar.

It’s hard to imagine a more obvious case of entrapment.  The four suspects on trial had never shown any predisposition for this kind of crime, were involved in no group activity that might have led to any terrorist-like crime.  It seems their only predisposing traits were that they were Black Muslims, poor and also angry.  So they were selected to be seduced into a crime by a psychopath.  They were all essentially random victims chosen by fate to have their lives destroyed. Further their selection was governed simply by a psychopath’s sensing of vulnerabilities — probably the key psychopathic ability.  Is this a reason to destroy four lives?

Ah, but you say, they didn’t know the weapons weren’t real.  Apparently not.  So give them five years or so.  It is a near universal trait of the victims of sociopathic manipulators that they cooperate in their own downfall.  Of course they do.  That’s why the victimizers are called con artists — they are artists at inspiring confidence.

I imagine the psychopath[s] on the jury could have said the same thing, perhaps playing the soul of reasonableness:  ‘But the Newburgh four didn’t know the weapons weren’t real, that makes it attempted murder.’  Yes, but . . .

If you want to count the poor and angry as dangerous, you’ll spend the rest of your days counting.  Newburgh is one of those towns discarded by the forces of de-industrialization and globalization.  Our sociopaths-gone-wild economy with no check on the sociopaths, with no regard for the nation, with no guiding mind assuring that the “economic machine” acts in the interest of the nation’s citizens, with a fierce hatred of a middle class (working people living lives of dignity is an affront to sociopathic superiority, it hurts them) threw Newburgh by the wayside years ago.

Fools who think, ‘well I’m not black and homeless,’ are the biggest suckers of all.  Mass black homelessness was the first salvo against the middle class, engineered by the evil psychopath and pathological liar (pseudologue)  Ronald Reagan.  The conman, the flim flam man wanted you to feel safe.  How safe do you feel now?  But I digress . . .

Perhaps this small anecdote will give a flavor of Newburgh.  Newburgh’s Main Street is very wide with diagonal parking on both sides.  Driving through I always think of small towns in Kansas and the midwest.  The street is now lined with empty store fronts, consignment and self-styled antique shops.  It has been taken over by the “flea market economy.”

Anyway, one time I parked and started walking across Main Street to a high quality chocolate store still in business (Commodore Chocolates, the interior takes you back to the glory days of Newburgh).  Just as I was about to step into the lanes of traffic, this apparently homeless man approached me and asked if I could help him out.  He was somewhere in his thirties, dark skinned but with a reddish tint, as though he had a permanent suntan.  Wearing a fur lined dark brown leather vest with a fur collar, once very expensive but now ineligible even for Newburgh’s consignment stores, he cut a classy figure, even if it was trash-classy.  Obviously that was who he was in his own mind, a man of class and good taste.

Anyway, I turned away to get out my wallet to give him something.  Oh, oh, Citylife 101:  never take out your wallet to give to the homeless, you are inviting a snatch-and-run or a mugging — and he was taller, younger and maybe stronger than I (however, they do tell me there’s a lot of muscle under that fat).  But I couldn’t very well rewind my efforts without appearing a fool — so I decided to “tough it out” and figured I was probably being paranoid anyway (which probably was the case).  When I turned back towards him with a few bucks and the words, “Good luck, pal,” our eyes locked momentarily in a mutually steel-eyed stare.  I don’t know what he was thinking, but perhaps, sensing my sudden wariness, “This bozo is worried, in the middle of Main Street?!”; or perhaps “He has a billfold of money and he gives me three bucks?”; or, but probably not, “I should have snatched and run, that fat man would never have caught me.”  A proud man, forced to beg.

The point of this anecdote is that you can’t get away from the poverty in downtown Newburgh.  There’s often a vibe of suppressed violence.  Even the police seem jittery.  Fortunately the drug trade keeps liquidity in the local economy — I’m being sarcastic, it’s a horrible, but quite common, economic situation.  These were the waters Shahed Hussain was directed to troll for “home grown terrorists”!!?? There’s no terrorism in Newburgh, the poor are too busy surviving scavenger times.

To those who say all that matters is that the four thought the weapons were real, I ask who was responsible for the Heaven’s Gate suicides?  The individuals who did in fact commit suicide or the psychopathic cult leader, Do?

This case is a national disgrace.  And so was the jury.

A recent documentary on destroying lives and families to protect us from terror:   Entrapment or Foiling Terror? FBI’s Reliance on Paid Informants Raises Questions about Validity of Terrorism Cases.

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As always I’m merely saying that in my opinion the following stories raise issues of possible sociopathic behavior or sociopathic-like behavior.  I suggest we all scan all news stories for possible sociopathic elements.

Brandon Darby

Prominent Austin Activist Admits He Infiltrated RNC Protest Groups as FBI Informant

LISA FITHIAN: Well, I think this community has really been reeling as a result of this news. We feel sickened. We feel traumatized. We feel as if somebody that we thought actually had good intentions and cared for this community has been a lie. . . . I have no question that he’s a provocateur. I mean, I’ve worked with Brandon for a long time, and everywhere that Brandon has worked, there has been discord, tension, aggression. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/6/prominent_austin_activist_admits_he_infiltrated

“[E]verywhere that Brandon has worked, there has been discourse, tension, aggression” — that’s what you would expect from a sociopath.  In addition, he buttered up those in authority, which sociopaths tend to do before commencing their campaigns.

MALIK RAHIM: I’m going to tell you, Amy, it broke my heart. It broke my heart. It literally broke my heart, because from the time that we founded—and I hate to—because Lisa is also a person that I love and respect, but Brandon was here from the very beginning. He was one of the founders of Common Ground. He was here. When we started Common Ground, Brandon was right here. He was out trying to find kin. I don’t know what happened. It was a lot of animosity. It was a lot of things that we had to deal with, like Lisa said, and always Brandon was at the forefront in it. You know, I feel—I mean, in retrospect, as I look back at it now, you know, I feel guilty about a lot of things. . . . I know that there’s been many people that left from Common Ground in frustration, and many of it was due in part because of Brandon. Many young ladies, many individuals that he literally ran off, you know? It just tackles me. I couldn’t read the whole letter. You know, I haven’t been able to read it, because of the fact that every time I do, it breaks me down into tears. http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/6/prominent_austin_activist_admits_he_infiltrated

Notice the depth of the feelings of emotional betrayal — you see this over and over again.  It seems that sociopathic betrayal of friendship and love (both of which they only mime) leaves a mixture of heartbreak and the feeling of having been slimed.

Activists should always worry about sociopathic agent provocateurs — it is a perfect match of talent to task.

This item seems to have attracted some attention so let me list some traits to keep in mind.  Look for (in no particular order) any or all of the following:  a Zelig like ability to be all things to all people, an incredible ability to inveigle themselves into the good graces of authority figures, individuals for whom the phrase two-sided is a vast underestimation, a delight in causing discord through subtle puppet mastery, a vast and deep irresponsibility, an “eggshell” type personality which is always threatening to respond in childish anger if thwarted, and as always both a deep arrogance with no discernible cause and an extreme talent at eliciting pity.  Some of these insights may come in “a blinding flash” — you should pay attention to them.  Of course some of these traits are not unique to sociopaths, however in sociopaths they have a “unique flavor” which I think will become evident after recognizing the first few sociopaths.

Samuel Kent

One must always be careful not to jump on a guilty as charged bandwagon simply because the charges are so outrageous.  Judge Samuel Kent will have his day in court, the point here is the alleged behavior, which I have heard of before with likely sociopathic jurists.

Judge in Texas pleads innocent to new sex charges

A federal judge charged with fondling a court employee and trying to force her into a sexual act pleaded innocent Wednesday to new allegations brought by another former employee. http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/ss/weird/107030.php

Federal Judge Indicted in Sex Abuse Case


As a sociopathic acquaintance once said to me, “Why have a position of authority if you can’t take advantage of it?”

Once the MRI test is considered reliable enough, I believe all judges and prosecutors should routinely be screened for sociopathy.  Futurepundit article quoting Adrian Raines, http://www.futurepundit.com/archives/001998.html.  John Seabrook’s article on Kent Kiehl’s brain scanning machine in the The New Yorker, http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/11/10/081110fa_fact_seabrook.

Bart Whitaker, Kent Whitaker

The Whitaker family

The Whitaker family

Bart Whitaker

Bart Whitaker

Kent Whitaker, father

Kent Whitaker, father

Forgiving the Son Who Killed My Family


The Sugar Land Conspiracy

An All-American Family Is Gunned Down In A Bizarre Plot


Heather Mills and Paul McCartney

Paul and Heather McCartney in happier days

Paul and Heather McCartney in happier days

‘Dignified’ McCartney Rips Mouthy Mills

Heather Mills and Paul McCartney: The rock icon and former model split up in 2006 after a four-year marriage. In court papers, Mills accused McCartney of being violent and abusive. He denied the claims. In March, she was awarded a $48.6 million settlement. At the hearing, she doused McCartney’s attorney with water. http://www.popeater.com/music/article/paul-mccartney-heather-mills-divorce/320260

Is Heather Mills a sociopathic golddigger?  The wealthy, beautiful and famous are always targets for sociopathic love cons (fortunately I don’t have any of those problems).

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