
Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

From Psychopaths and Love, http://psychopathsandlove.com/a-hidden-fact-of-psychopaths-they-have-no-gender/

“Do psychopaths have a gender?

After my involvement with the psychopath, I got the strange feeling that he didn’t really have a gender. When I learned that psychopaths have no identity — they only create one as needed — it started to make perfect sense. If they have no identity, it only seems logical that they wouldn’t have a gender identity either, doesn’t it? It didn’t seem to be an idea out of left field.

The psychopath in my life told me about many of his sexual exploits that supposedly happened ‘a long time ago,’ and he said that he’d had sex with men as well as women. I asked him if he was bisexual, and he said he was not. He said it would be hard to explain. It turns out he was right about that.

This idea of him being genderless persisted and seemed worthy of further inquiry. I went looking for scholarly works that might validate my theory. In my quest, I plumbed the depths of the web for things like ‘psychopaths and gender,’ but I came up empty handed.

Psychopaths definitely have a biological sex, according to their anatomy. But gender is psychological; it’s the social-sexual role a person self-identifies with. But the one kind of person who will surely not identify in a fixed way with anything about themselves is the psychopath. So why would they identify with a gender?

I suspected that they present themselves to the world as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual, but underneath the facade they’ve chosen, they are truly genderless. So I set out once again to validate my suspicions, and this time, I found it. I only needed to look in a different place. Just as we talk and share information online, so do psychopaths. What better place to possibly find an answer than on their own websites?


In their own words, psychopaths say the following about their gender:

“Personally, I am gender fluid and identify neutral.”

“I don’t see gender as being anything more than a biological difference. Much like the idea of morality, it is a social construct. What that means for me is the necessity to choose which side of the fence puts my talents to light to the best advantage…”

“Any research you found (on psychopaths and gender) would be skewed by the fact that the most oft interviewed psychopaths are criminals, and since society generally associates femininity with weakness, the intelligent male psychopath would naturally choose to portray a manly if not completely chauvinistic personality. The only honest psychopath is an anonymous psychopath…”

“Psychopaths of both genders tends to represent the gender they were born with because it is easier, and most people respond to that, rather than the sexuality of minorities.”

“I don’t think that psychopaths struggle with their sexual identity at all. On the contrary, they seem to find it easy to play on both the feminine and the masculine sides in themselves.”

“I’m trying to find something about it (gender and psychopaths) from research sources but there doesn’t seem to be much to find so far. Maybe I’ve just been looking the wrong places, otherwise it would seem that we’re on a wild goose chase.”

“I haven’t talked to anyone who falls under the psychopath spectrum that feels very feminine or masculine, when questioned. Most of the women seem very aggressive, and the males “sound” roughly the same, in how the present themselves…It just seems suspect to me that most of us don’t feel very attached to one end or the other on the gender spectrum.”

“Like others I’ve read about, I never took that diagnosis seriously… But so much has become clear to me, which before used to be a great mystery…One of those things is our tendency to not have an inherent sense of gender!”

“It’s completely unimportant. Sexuality wise, I could go either way. I chose to portray myself in my real life as a homosexual for various reasons. I think what makes it impossible to delineate between how psychopaths view gender is our habit of being perpetually dishonest and chameleon-like. Were I a missionary I’d be the image of demure femininity and were I in prison I would be as masculine as any testosterone-stuffed man.”

“I have noticed that once we shed what has been called our ‘Mask’, the gender differences become less obvious.”

“I’ve never felt attached to a gender role before. I consider my personality and attraction fairly androgynous.””

And there we have it.  It seems to me that the gender agenda is the psychopath agenda — there simply aren’t enough true transgenders (who deserve everyone’s respect — the one trans I know personally, is much happier as his new self, and, as far as I know, arrived there simply through a search for happiness and a home for his soul) for this movement.  I would call it the ‘psychopathiforming’ of society (following science and science fiction’s ‘terraforming’ of other planets, i.e., making them more earthlike).  Earlier the song, “Love the One You’re With”, was also a psychopathiforming of society.  In any discussion of that song, one usually finds at least one psychopathic voice rhapsodizing what a beautiful sentiment it expresses — sure, think how many more sex partners they could find, down the road.

Here again, the purpose is to gain access to more sex partners, of all sexes and ages.  Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do, understand their modus operandi.  The ability to access women’s/girl’s dressing rooms without undergoing the ‘big surge’ (the de-manning procedure) — how convenient for male psychopaths.  I don’t know what to say to naive perma-children who think everyone is sincere and wonderful.

Psychopaths are generally considered to have poor planning and predictive skills — that’s only the low level ones.  SAPs (socially adept psychopaths) can be phenomenal at it.  Setting up ‘dominoes’ (desired future events from their standpoint) and then having them fall in sequence as planned — incredible.  The psychopathiforming of aspects or society are such dominoes.

On a different but related topic, it has seemed to me for years that high level female executives and politicians are psychopathic at a much, much higher percentage than the general female population is.  It would seem that the lack of gender would feed into this.  Feminists tend to give them a freepass and even admire them.  Non-feminist women tend to judge them on their actual record and what they know of their public behavior, i.e. intelligently.  I consider this situation shameful.

This is a subject very close to my heart, so let me make one thing very clear to the perv psychos, Chris Cuomo (CNN), Pat Kiernan (Spectrum NY1), Bob Gates (destroyer of and mind rapist of the Boy Scouts), etc., no way will you ever be allowed to neuter our boys.  There are standards of the community, you are way past them.

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They are both subject to incredibly vicious psychopathic gang stalking.  Which is fascinating.

That psychopaths in the media and the legal field have piled on Depp, implies that Amber Heard is almost certainly a psychopath.  She certainly has quite a few consistencies with being one.  However I realized that it would take a novella length study to come to any conclusion.

Amber Heard denies Johnny Depp’s claim she married him for money, fame: ‘I hadn’t seen his movies’ (https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/amber-heard-denies-johnny-depp-married-money-fame-173836032.html) — oh, OK.

Some individuals when faced with a lie onslaught as Depp claims to be (and I am certainly leaning his way) choose to let the lies hide any truths.  But not our boy, Johnny.  He wants to prove his slander claim.  It has turned out to be one nasty fight.  Good luck to you, son.

Now on to President Trump, why do 99.9% of the psychopathic community view him as their personal kryptonite?  It seems they are banking their personal safety on globalism.

My relatives all think globalism would be the lions laying down with the sheep and peace would rule throughout the land for all time.  I don’t think so.  I see a world of favelas surrounding oases of unimaginable wealth and power of the elite and their sycophants (including their psychopathic pets and servants).

Is CNN fake humanoids delivering the fake news? Could be.

Of course, this isn’t fake news.  Trump did call the FBI, “scum”.  Personally I consider them psycho scum, a pod person humanoid outfit, 40 – 60% psychopathic.

That’s why they had to refuse to criminally refer Abagnale of Catch Me, If You Can fame (https://screenrant.com/catch-me-if-you-can-steven-spielberg-leonardo-dicaprio-facts-true-story-creative-liberties/) — they had to obey the psychopath’s Prime Directive, ‘fellow psychopaths must be protected from the normy world at all cost’.

The FBI’s crimes against the constitution (and Pres. Trump) have been recently detailed.  They should be dismantled and rebuilt around the non-psychopaths.  Northcom could, constitutionally and legally, even take them over.

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“Do psychopaths have a gender?

After my involvement with the psychopath, I got the strange feeling that he didn’t really have a gender. When I learned that psychopaths have no identity — they only create one as needed — it started to make perfect sense. If they have no identity, it only seems logical that they wouldn’t have a gender identity either, doesn’t it? It didn’t seem to be an idea out of left field.

The psychopath in my life told me about many of his sexual exploits that supposedly happened ‘a long time ago,’ and he said that he’d had sex with men as well as women. I asked him if he was bisexual, and he said he was not. He said it would be hard to explain. It turns out he was right about that.

This idea of him being genderless persisted and seemed worthy of further inquiry. I went looking for scholarly works that might validate my theory. In my quest, I plumbed the depths of the web for things like ‘psychopaths and gender,’ but I came up empty handed.

Psychopaths definitely have a biological sex, according to their anatomy. But gender is psychological; it’s the social-sexual role a person self-identifies with. But the one kind of person who will surely not identify in a fixed way with anything about themselves is the psychopath. So why would they identify with a gender?

I suspected that they present themselves to the world as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transsexual, but underneath the facade they’ve chosen, they are truly genderless. So I set out once again to validate my suspicions, and this time, I found it. I only needed to look in a different place. Just as we talk and share information online, so do psychopaths. What better place to possibly find an answer than on their own websites?


In their own words, psychopaths say the following about their gender:

“Personally, I am gender fluid and identify neutral.”

“I don’t see gender as being anything more than a biological difference. Much like the idea of morality, it is a social construct. What that means for me is the necessity to choose which side of the fence puts my talents to light to the best advantage…”

“Any research you found (on psychopaths and gender) would be skewed by the fact that the most oft interviewed psychopaths are criminals, and since society generally associates femininity with weakness, the intelligent male psychopath would naturally choose to portray a manly if not completely chauvinistic personality. The only honest psychopath is an anonymous psychopath…”

“Psychopaths of both genders tends to represent the gender they were born with because it is easier, and most people respond to that, rather than the sexuality of minorities.”

“I don’t think that psychopaths struggle with their sexual identity at all. On the contrary, they seem to find it easy to play on both the feminine and the masculine sides in themselves.”

“I’m trying to find something about it (gender and psychopaths) from research sources but there doesn’t seem to be much to find so far. Maybe I’ve just been looking the wrong places, otherwise it would seem that we’re on a wild goose chase.”

“I haven’t talked to anyone who falls under the psychopath spectrum that feels very feminine or masculine, when questioned. Most of the women seem very aggressive, and the males “sound” roughly the same, in how the present themselves…It just seems suspect to me that most of us don’t feel very attached to one end or the other on the gender spectrum.”

“Like others I’ve read about, I never took that diagnosis seriously… But so much has become clear to me, which before used to be a great mystery…One of those things is our tendency to not have an inherent sense of gender!”

“It’s completely unimportant. Sexuality wise, I could go either way. I chose to portray myself in my real life as a homosexual for various reasons. I think what makes it impossible to delineate between how psychopaths view gender is our habit of being perpetually dishonest and chameleon-like. Were I a missionary I’d be the image of demure femininity and were I in prison I would be as masculine as any testosterone-stuffed man.”

“I have noticed that once we shed what has been called our ‘Mask’, the gender differences become less obvious.”

“I’ve never felt attached to a gender role before. I consider my personality and attraction fairly androgynous.””

And there we have it.  It seems to me that the gender agenda is the psychopath agenda — there simply aren’t enough true transgenders (who deserve everyone’s respect) for this movement.  I would call it the ‘psychopathiforming’ of society (following science and science fiction’s ‘terraforming’ of other planets, i.e., making them more earthlike).  Earlier the song, “Love the One You’re With”, was also a psychopathiforming of society.  In any discussion of that song, one usually finds at least one psychopathic voice rhapsodizing what a beautiful sentiment it expresses — sure, think how many more sex partners they could find, down the road.

Here again, the purpose is to gain access to more sex partners, of all sexes and ages.  Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do, understand their modus operandi.  The ability to access women’s/girl’s dressing rooms without undergoing the ‘big surge’ (the de-manning procedure) — how convenient for male psychopaths.  I don’t know what to say to naive perma-children who think everyone is sincere and wonderful.

Psychopaths are generally considered to have poor planning and predictive skills — that’s only the low level ones.  SAPs (socially adept psychopaths) can be phenomenal at it.  Setting up ‘dominoes’ (desired future events from their standpoint) and then having them fall in sequence as planned — incredible.  The psychopathiforming of aspects or society are such dominoes.

On a different but related topic, it has seemed to me for years that high level female executives and politicians are psychopathic at a much, much higher percentage than the general female population is.  It would seem that the lack of gender would feed into this.  Feminists tend to give them a freepass and even admire them.  Non-feminist women tend to judge them on their actual record and what they know of their public behavior.  I consider this situation shameful.

This is a subject very close to my heart, so let me make one thing very clear – to the perv psychos, Chris Cuomo (CNN), Pat Kiernan (Spectrum NY1), Bob Gates (destroyer of and mind rapist of the Boy Scouts), etc., no way will you ever be allowed to neuter our boys.  There’s something called standards of the community, you are way past them.

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UPDATE:  Let me stop being coy, I don’t believe the following accounts at all.  It is my considered opinion that John Miller of the NYPD is a psychopath (https://pathwhisperer.info/2016/09/20/clear-and-present-danger/).  I believe he is well capable of framing (updated by ID theft) and murdering innocents (both civilians and police officers).  He states that there’s a real threat of a ‘terrorist’ attack in NYC this Thanksgiving (2016).  I consider that cause for worry.


There is no such thing as a pre-crime arrest.  First they came for the “Islamo terrorists”, and I did nothing . . .


The standard police procedure is to try to catch criminals in the act.  They had 24/7 surveillance on Rahim Usaama, he wasn’t going to be free to commit any crimes.  When, in plain clothes, they accosted him on the street during his standard commute to work, what was the plan?  “We’re onto you son.  Don’t do it!!”  I doubt it.  They said he attacked them with a knife.  The video is too blurry to make that out.



Claims of insane attacks on arresting/questioning law enforcement officers seems to be growing trend.    http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2015/06/report_si_man_attacks_fbi_agen.html

Friends and relatives are stunned, aghast or even laugh at the allegations.  What’s going on here?  http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/feds-halt-isis-supporter-new-york-bomb-plot-article-1.2260244

I think it’s time to take away law enforcement’s right to lie under oath (Briscoe v. Lahue).  They are licensed to commit perjury.  What would stop a framing criminal psychopathic officer from doing so?  The above allegations in the articles include visited websites and Amazon orders, but are the suspects’ responsible?  The NSA fusion centers, if they want it, can have any Amazon account name, password and a subject’s credit card number.  There needs to be a higher standard of proof.

We are all under surveillance.  These claims could be made against anyone by unethical law enforcement officers. Your corpse wouldn’t be able to argue the facts.

Let’s look at a couple of the media cheerleaders.

John Scuitto of CNN:
sciutto_index3 sciutto_index sciutto_index2

Deborah Feyerick, also of CNN:
deborah feyerickindex2  deborah feyerickimages5 deborah feyerickindex3deborah feyerickindex4

I would predict that their DNA, brain scans (both functional and structural) would be very interesting.

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