
Posts Tagged ‘seeing psychopaths’

First — it is now possible to objectively/scientifically recognize psychopaths (which will, I’m convinced, support Martha Stout’s cited estimate of 4% or 1 in 25 being a psychopath, ((K. Barry et al. (1997), R. Bland, S. Newman, H. Orn (1988), J. Samuels et al. (1994)), and my anecdotal agreement (from recognizing psychopaths waiting for the subway, at street corners, in the workplace, etc.).  Second — their unhappy response to this, i.e., their machinations to seize power over the rest of us – political, economic, and through the surveillance built into the internet of things of great utility and convenience.  Surveillance that can close like a vise on any chosen target.  We carry our own handcuffs with us.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” – George Orwell.  The Fabian, George Orwell, was a psychopath writing how-to books, as was Aldous Huxley also.  H.G. Wells of The Time Machine with the Eloi and Morlocks was also a Fabian and a psychopath.  The books seem to understand our plight from our own standpoint but only because psychopaths have something called “cold empathy.”  They know exactly how their targets will experience their attacks, it helps them ‘twist the stiletto’.

See the two prior posts (A hearsay tale involving Andrew Cuomo, and Commenter: “To borrow your own phrase, this nonsense has got to stop, one cannot recognize psychopaths by sight” — but, but, what if you are actually doing so without knowing it? (Mark Zuckerberg, in this case)).

Think what 1 in 25 being psychopaths mean.  It means that for every group of 25 that you’ve ever known, there was probably one psychopath.  It means we all walk shoulder to shoulder everyday with psychopathic beings who have zero fellow human feelings, emotionless, guiltless beings who see our emotional responses as weakness and know how to use them against us.

So why don’t we all know this?  I see two reasons.  First, as psychopaths always say (and I’ve heard them say this personally),we all believe what we want to believe.  Nobody wants to recognize Dad as a psychopath or Mom, bro or sis.  They just have issues and will put their lives together very soon, any day now.  Second, we should ask The New Yorker why they published the Psychopathic Whisperer, oopsie, my bad, the Psychopath Whisperer, Kent Kiehl’s drivel of psychopaths being so rare most people will never know any.  Who and what is The New Yorker? (https://pathwhisperer.info/2018/01/23/trust-me-im-a-doctor-this-is-a-medical-treatment-psychopath-larry-nassar-md-molests-young-female-gymnasts-for-20-plus-years/#comment-139406).

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From a comments exchange:

Anonymous:  My personal take is that we should refrain from exposing people’s faces to make a guess on their personality, at least point blank as done here. This is ‘Kitchen’ psychology at best, and may lead to innocent people being blamed for ‘obvious’ personality disorders. In fact I saw a German female ASMRtist being harassed on YT for having this ’empty look’ in her eyes. I don’t know why this is, but since a few years people here in Germany seem to be eager to pick on fellows that don’t appear to be normal. Maybe related to that Jungle Camp series airing now and then, where a bunch of people is isolated in a camp and watched mobbing/harassing each other everyday, allowing publicity to vote on the characters. Please takes this into consideration.

Pathwhisperer:   I understand your point. It is a slippery slope. But here is why I fundamentally disagree with you.

I absolutely do not accept that my blog advances ‘kitchen’ psychology. If the expert psychologists assert that psychopathy is so rare that most people will never meet one, then those experts are either stupid or psychopaths themselves. The DSM documents (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) are evil in intent and written by evil people (psychopathic or otherwise). Among other crimes the DSMs have led to the pharmacological treatment of normal teenagers, affecting their normal brain development. Regarding the DSMs creating the category of anti-social personality disorder while pretending psychopathy doesn’t exist, I can only conclude the Personality Group (without looking up the formal name) is controlled by psychopaths and is acting in their interest. I was once going to do a post on the particular individuals in this group with the goal of ascertaining which were likely psychopaths, but have never gotten around to it.

My point in the previous paragraph is that if the so-called experts have failed us, and they have, then we are on our own. It’s not kitchen psychology, it’s survival psychology. We are dependent on our own wits.

Regarding Paul Horner’s and Skylar DeLeon’s appearances, I stand by what I say. But please note, I have never done a post on ‘psychopathic eyes’, even though noticing them is one of the most powerful tools in recognizing psychopaths (along with noticing unusual arrogance, complete lack of morality, etc.). I have never written that post for multiple reasons: 1) I’ve come to realize that this blog is intended as a negotiation with psychopaths, a ‘why don’t you guys just behave’ endeavor, it is in the interest of that endeavor (practical or impractical) that they feel they can blend in and disappear into the population; 2) a psychopathic friend of mine upon greeting me one day started crying, I thought ‘Oh, oh, a hit’s coming’ (sometime I think they all know each other), why would I want him to feel uncomfortable? (An attempted hit did take place. It involved psychopathic members of the NYPD, I was almost slammed into a barrier on the Jersey Turnpike — this was shortly after a private communication to Philip Eure before he assumed his duties as NYC Inspector General for the NYPD, offering my help in identifying psychopathic individuals in the NYPD. I state the above as a fact, the NYPD can sue me, in fact I wish they would, discovery would give me subpoena powers.)

Every single aspect of Paul Horner screamed psychopathy at me, his eyes, his flat affect voice, his laugh, his postures, etc. In terms of your statement of some Germans seemingly “eager to pick on fellows that don’t appear to be normal.” That is a real danger. We are all taught not to judge books by their cover, but what if sometimes you can? From my undergraduate years studying anthropology, I recall numerous discussions of the relatively high murder rates in hunter and gatherer societies. They routinely killed odd acting/looking people (to protect themselves from psychopaths?). I have no doubt that that fate would have befallen hunter gatherer Paul Horners and Skylar DeLeons.

The populations of the U.S. and western Europe are desperate as the middle class is being destroyed and their world is collapsing. Many bad possibilities may happen.


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Dr. Maximilian Muenke has a superpower: He can diagnose disease just by looking at a person’s face.

Specifically, he can spot certain genetic disorders that make telltale impressions on facial features.

Once you’ve done it for a certain amount of years, you walk into a room and it’s like, oh, that child has Williams syndrome,” he said, referring to a genetic disorder that can affect a person’s cognitive abilities and heart.

And that’s an incredibly useful skill, even as genetic sequencing becomes more widespread. For one thing, it can be the factor that sends someone to get a genetic test in the first place. For another, people in many parts of the world don’t have access to genetic tests at all.

That’s inspired years of effort to train a computer to do the same thing. Software that analyzes a patient’s face for signs of disease could help clinicians better diagnose and treat people with genetic syndromes.

Some older attempts at facial analysis relied on large, clunky scanners — a tool better suited to a lab, not the field. Now, in the era of smartphones, such efforts have a whole new promise. Face2Gene, a program developed by Boston-based startup FDNA, has a mobile app that clinicians can use to snap photos of their patients and get a list of syndromes they might have.”https://www.statnews.com/2017/04/10/facial-recognition-genetic-disorders/

You could call psychopathy a genetic syndrome.  There must be an overlap between the listed syndromes and psychopathy (or psychopathies, if there is actually more than one similar syndrome).

Face2Gene is a suite of phenotyping applications that facilitate comprehensive and precise genetic evaluations. (https://suite.face2gene.com/)

So many leads to chase down, so little time.  Any billionaires who want to sponsor my work out there?  It seems like we’re back in the time of the Medicis and one has to find patrons.

Related (in a way):  https://pathwhisperer.info/2011/01/19/as-time-passed-i-learned-how-to-see-psychopaths-it-was-as-if-a-sixth-sense-had-been-awakened/

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This is a cross post from a comment I left at Lovefraud.com.

I’m curious. I consider Matin MacNeil to be an obvious-at-a-glance psychopath. Do any of the readers of this agree? I posted a few pictures here: https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/psychopathic-doctor-martin-macneil-on-trial-for-wifes-death/ .

A while back Lovefraud had a post from a reader about ‘seeing psychopaths’, http://www.lovefraud.com/2011/01/15/letters-to-lovefraud-o-like-umbrella-and-the-shut-down-mechanism/ , https://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/as-time-passed-i-learned-how-to-see-psychopaths-it-was-as-if-a-sixth-sense-had-been-awakened/ .

Before developing the ability to ‘see psychopaths’ I think it would be necessary for most people to first believe that it is possible, that others can in fact do it. The doctors MacNeill and Swango are about as obvious as they come. Any thoughts? http://www.lovefraud.com/2013/10/18/dr-martin-macneill-stands-trial-for-murdering-his-wife/comment-page-2/#comment-195002

I think I recognized my first psychopath at around 5 years of age (of course, I didn’t recognize them as psychopaths then but did recognize that there was something wrong with them).  I’m grew up in Inkster, Michigan.  My mother was a librarian.  I recall the library and the road it was on as being on an embankment through (at that time) orchards and farmland.  My sister and I had gone down the embankment to wander through an apple orchard and climb trees.  While my sister was high up in one tree a group of boys came along and joined us.  Two of them came back down from the tree, saying my sister was too high and why didn’t I call her down and then we all could strip her naked and touch her all over.  Of course, I was near to panic, not knowing what to do.  We were invisible to the road and the library.  Should I tell her to stay high and go get help?  What to do?  And of course I was scared for myself physically.  Then my sister started climbing down, with the boys waiting hungrily at the bottom.  Before she was too low I yelled out “Jump, run.  They want to rip your clothes off.”  So she jumped and took off.  Luckily she didn’t turn her ankle and luckily eight year old girls and boys are pretty matched physically.  So we tore through this beautiful orchard on a bright sunny day back to the library screaming.

It seemed to me at the time, that there was something wrong with the ringleaders of this group of boys.  I recall thinking that their faces were too flat, by that I meant too much in a plane, that their eyes were even with the surface.  Today I would say that their eyes were shallow, that there was no soul depth to them.  Now as an adult I’m certain that these two boys were in fact psychopathic.

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