
Posts Tagged ‘disrupting a mugging’

I’ve been getting inundated by spam lately, sometimes 3 to 4 thousand a day.  Most are simply advertisements but every once in a while there will be something like advice on how to get rid of blood stains.  Is this something I should study up on?  Have my heirs study up on?  I used to get explicit death threats occasionally.  At least this validates my writings.

The spam is in the format of the message below from a Tim G____.  It seems it’s all from one spam service.

You should check this out…

[…] that is the end of this article. Here you’ll find some sites that we think you’ll appreciate, just click the links over[…]

A couple weeks ago I was able to disrupt a serious mugging attempt.  I was driving in Manhattan when I heard a woman start screaming.  A quarter of a block away I saw a woman and a man wheeling around a contested purse.  Knowing that these types of crimes take place in seconds, I felt I had to communicate with the attacker immediately.  I floored the car and started honking wildly.  I was attempting to distract him from his predatory intent (as well as draw others’ attention).  My message to him was one of onrushing imminent violence.  As I smashed on the brakes, he dropped his hold on the purse and took off against the direction of traffic.  It turned out that he had already cut her in the neck (in fact that was how he silently commenced his mugging attack).  If I or someone else had not intervened right at that point, no doubt she would have been slashed up more (any slash could hit an artery with serious results of course), not to mention losing her purse.   She said that she thought it was the honking that stopped the attack, he must have looked at me, then at her, then at me, etc. and then took off.  I’m happy I was able to think fast enough to be of aid.

The amount of spam I’ve been getting also means I am unable to check for valid comments that are incorrectly considered to be spam.  If your comment does not appear please resubmit it, make sure that it references the post and use a name that is namelike (such as john smith, though anonymous seems too work also).

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